I wanted to write a book that would highlight Kennedy's virtues because as I was building a blog to educate people about the real dangers of the Covid Vaccines, Kennedy's videos kept popping up all over the place. I learned so much from his interviews, I naturally continued to follow him when he announced his run for president.
Since I'd spent dozens of hours listening to his interviews before he even announced his presidential bid, I was already convinced Bobby Kennedy was a good guy. So, it was utterly frustrating and heartbreaking to find that, when I brought up his name to people, they would react with a grimace, as if they'd already written him off. I know their feelings were based on what they'd learned about RFK through biased mainstream media outlets that get their funding from Bill Gates and Big Pharma! God forbid we elect a man who would surely bring pharmaceutical commercials - and their funding - to a SCREECHING HALT.
I understand how it would be hard for anyone to believe Kennedy is a good guy, when the mainstream media's coverage of him has been nothing but garbage. Who'd have thought even the that once-trustworthy outlets, including NPR, PBS and the BBC, would have wound up on that long list of recipients who gladly accepted large cash donations from entities with a pharmaceutical agenda.
So, I wasn't entirely surprised by peoples' reactions, but... I didn't think it'd be SO HARD to get people to even just have a LOOK at all the evidence ... and by that, I mean mounds of evidence... that he's been fighting FOR THEM!
I wished I could hand my Aunt some kind of easy-to-read flip-through book that might make it a little easier for people to learn about Kennedy. My Aunt is a lifelong environmentalist and democrat (like I was). Given the fact that she was raised with the same family vaues,you'd think she'd be more open to learning about Kennedy. But she is still very averse to listening to anything positive I have tried to tell her about Kennedy.
The other day it hit me that the majority of hte reason it's so hard to get through to people who get all their informaiton from the mainstream news, is because, in their minds, Kennedy may as well be a murderer. That is exactly the image the mainstream media has painted of him. They've worked overtime to make people believe every one of the Covid deaths was because of antivaxxers. They still want people to believe that Covid was a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated, even though there's much stronger evidence that this wasn't true at all.
I was heartbroken when I heard his announcement last week that he was suspending his campaign, but I know everything happens for a reason. I think he could do a LOT of good in the white house, working with the Trump administration, but he could get even more done if he won the election.

Please note: There are more than 25 points on this page because I kept seeing more and more notable "Kennedy clips" as I listened to more interviews. The list currently has 35 points on it, and it will likely grow even more, but the published book will likely be condensed down to 25.
25 Reasons We Can't Help but Like Robert F. Kennedy - The most SINCERE presidential candidate in modern history
1. RFK Jr. is the most HONEST presidential candidate I've ever seen. But he had to make some sacrifices to become as honest as he is. He said that addicts, by nature, have to lie (in order to get away with their addiction). But he knew that if he didn't become rigorously honest, he'd fall back into addiction. He was in court for a case in New York, around a time when he'd just read an obituary written by C.S. Lewis. The author had just described his deceased friend as being "Honest as the Daylight." Kennedy thought to himself, "I wish that somebody, some day, would say that about me." The judge had just asked him a question in court, and he said something that had been an exaggeration. It was something he knew he could get away with, but he knew it wasn't true, and his conscience kept eating at him. So when it was his turn to get up and speak again, he actually told the judge that he'd just said something that was not true. There was a stunned silence in the courtroom, because they'd never heard a lawyer say that before! He said that if you experience the pain of doing that a few times, it'll make you "Struck honest"! https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/05/rfk-jr-is-as-honest-as-daylight.html
2. He's a TIRELES WORKAHOLIC who gets a lot done, in a short period of time. He's been doing 7-8 interviews a day, for the last several months. We honestly do not know how he finds time to sleep. Have you seen how many books he's written? https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/07/books-rfk-jr-has-written-there-are-even.html He's constantly moving, like the dot in this eye exercise. If you were to try to track Kennedy's travel all over the United States, it would look something like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPTlcHWyJFY&list=PL1XfOvxId49X-_cXIWBWYD0ZxK03aVOGE&index=6 Nicole Shanahan is the same way. Maybe this is because they're both lawyers - a profession that requires extreme hard work and diligence. As RFK put it, in order to win a case, you have to do so much research, it's like you're getting a PhD in the subject.
3. He's been fighting hard for our Environment, for over 40 years. There is NO candidate in history who will be able to do more to protect our air, water and soil, than Bobby Kennedy. While he's learned not to get angry, the one thing that still seems to light a fire under his butt is the injustice of environmental pollution. As he's often described it, he sees pollution as a THEFT. He's done more for the environment than any presidential candidate combined, in the last 20 years. Nobody else comes CLOSE. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/07/robert-f-kennedy-jrs-environmental.html
4. He really LISTENS TO PEOPLE https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/rfk-jr-actually-listens-to-people.html
He understands the critical importance of KEEPING THE PEACE. His Uncle, John F. Kennedy, felt very strongly about this, and right now, keeping the peace is absolutely critical. The United States is MUCH more vulnerable to a nuclear attack, than most people realize. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/why-its-extremely-important-for-us-to.html
6. He's a FIERCE protector of Kids. Robert F. Kennedy founded Children's Health Defense, after learning how many mothers reported their children had been injured by vaccines. I recently saw a video in which he talked about how he would literally give his own life, to save one child... and I believe him. If you look closely, you can literally see there are tears in his eyes. He knows that he's putting himself into a dangerous position in running for president. It's a risky job, but he's willing to do it anyway, because he can clearly see the Autism Epidemic is a huge problem that isn't being fixed. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/do-vaccines-cause-autism-look-at.html The reason he began looking into vaccine safety in the first place (despite his initial resistance) is because a woman showed up at his doorstep and refused to leave until he took at look at a giant banker's box of evidence that showed yes, vaccines REALLY DO cause Autism. Because vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued, the United States has something called Vaccine Court, which compensates people for vaccine injuries. This woman was awarded TWENTY MILLION dollars, because it was determined that vaccines did, indeed, contribute to her son's autism. But she didn't want it to happen to other children, so she and other women worked hard to get RFK Jr. on board. You can see the Joe Rogan interview where he talks about it, on this page. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/joe-rogans-support-of-robert-f-kennedy.html
7. He cares about WOMEN
You can hear that clearly in the Joe Rogan Interview just mentioned. He said that people weren't listening to the women who were insisting their kids developed autism after getting vaccinated. As he says, he felt it was important to listen to them. Too many people were just blowing them off!
He was raised by a VERY strong woman, Ethel Kennedy. Although he was a rebellious and mouthy teenager, he said she beat him with a hairbrush to get him to listen to her. When he got older, he realized she'd done a much better job than he'd given her credit for. He marveled at her ability to get 11 children to eat at the dinner table together. He said that as an adult, he had a good talk with his Mom, on the beach at the Kennedy compound. He apologized for being so difficult for many years, and he gave her credit for being a good mother. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/about-ethel-kennedy-strong-woman-who.html
8. He's SUPER HEALTHY. He doesn't drink or smoke, and he doesn't eat processed food. He also works out regularly. When was the last time we had someone in office who was THIS FIT? He has a very strong commitment to making America Healthy Again! https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/02/rfk-is-healthy-see-for-yourself.html
Kamala Harris makes her decisions based on Emotion. As an example, she said "If Trump's taking it (a particular vaccine), I'm not taking it." What kind of leadership is that? Shouldn't you make your decisions based on FACTS, and not whether you LIKE a person or not? https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/how-kamala-and-bidens-pride-and-hatred.html
Kamala and Biden left the border WIDE OPEN, as if they felt it was justified to blame things on Trump. Like, he never finished the wall, and he left all those materials down there, so it's his fault, we're just gonna leave it there. Kennedy actually changed his position on the Border, once he could see how bad things were. He and Nicole Shanahan went right down there to see what they could do to help and create change.
18. He plans to open up Healing Centers. Because he's traveled the world extensively, he has been able to see how healthcare is managed in other countries. On a trip to Italy, he got to see a really impressive healing center, and is committed to bringing a similar program to the United States! https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/kennedy-plans-to-open-up-healing-centers.html
19. He has a detailed plan on how to Effectively and Humanely FIX THE BORDER. He and Nicole Shanahan have already spent more time at the Border than Kamala Harris did during her tenure as VP, and she was put in CHARGE of the border! For anyone who is buying into the current media narrative that she was never made the "Border Czar," click here to see how many Mainstream Media outlets announced it right after she WAS put in charge. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/07/crisis-at-border-how-kamala-has-failed.html
22. He has the rare and unique ability to really INSPIRE PEOPLE. He has the rare and unique ability to really INSPIRE PEOPLE. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/02/rfk-jrs-infectious-positive-attitude.html And When was the last time you saw a president who actually moved people to the point where they wanted to write songs about them? Kennedy has the unique ability to do that! https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/songs-dedicated-to-robert-f-kennedy-jr.html
25. He's a Good, Respectful Husband. He's also very protective and appreciative of his wife, Cheryl Hines, and seems to really value her opinion. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/07/robert-f-kennedy-jr-being-good-husband.html
When the media was attacking RFK over his comments during the Defeat the Mandates rally, he said Cheryl was getting caught in the crossfire. He felt terrible and didn't know what to do. So he actually said that if she wanted to announce a separation, to give her some breathing room, he'd support her in that! I get the feeling this guy would throw himself in front of a train for her, and it warms my heart to see them in pictures together because she seems to be able to put a big smile on his face.
26. He doesn't complain. Like.... ever. One day, his son, Conor, said, Hey Dad, why don't you ever complain? He tells the story of he decided to give up complaining for lent, and it really worked out for him. It became a way for him to see all the things he has to be grateful for. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/why-rfk-decided-not-to-complain-about.html
27. He has a very CURIOUS MIND - the same trait his Uncle, JFK, considered to be his own best trait. Having a curious mind enables a person to take the time to understand why any person may feel the way they do, about a topic. This trait allows Kennedy to WANT to see things form other people's perspectives. see something from another person's perspectives. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/07/he-shares-what-his-uncle-president-john.html
28. He doesn't personally attack other candidates. I had to admire Kennedy when a reporter was trying to bait him into attacking Trump, and he refused to do so (and this was early in the campaign, before he considered joining forces with Trump). He said he might debate Trump on his POLICIES, but he was NOT going to attack him as a man. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/kennedy-takes-high-road-he-wont-attack.html
29. He can admit when he's been wrong, and APOLOGIZE. As an example, when a video recording of Trump speaking after the attempted assassination attempt was leaked online, he profusely apologized and said he never should have allowed the recording to continue. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/he-can-apologize-if-he-has-hurt-someone.html
30. He doesn't have a problem with changing his position based on NEW DATA. As an example, he originally had the position that women should ALWAYS have the final say on abortions. But he didn't realize how common it is for women to get late-term abortions. When new data was presented to him, he changed his position, and explained why. This feels very different from a politician changing their stance JUST to get more votes. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/rfks-stance-on-abortion.html
31. He HATES WASTE, just like Native Americans do. He's spent a lot of time with indigenous people, and he understands the importance of not letting something go to waste. When RFK saw the woman driving in front of him had killed a bear with her car, he didn't want it to go to waste, so he put it in his car, intending to make use of it. That's the kind of thing HUNTERS do, and he's been hunting his whole life. So did most of our ancestors. Isn't it more respectable to actually kill what you eat (or feed to your pets), rather than to eat animals that were raised in inhumane conditions in a factory farm? It makes sense to me that he was trying to put it to good use. It's just unfortunate that he ran out of time and realized he couldn't keep it in his car. What was he to do? Being a good friend of Larry David's, is it any wonder the bear was staged like something out of a Seinfeld episode. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/what-nobody-is-saying-about-bear-rfk-jr.html
33. He does NOT support Project 2025. In fact, he described it as a HORROR SHOW. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/what-is-project-2025-and-where-does-rfk.html
34. He has a sense of humor. And his life is like an episode of Seinfeld (actually, the character played by Ted Danson in Curb Your Enthusiasm was based on him). It's no wonder he's good friends with Seinfeld creator Larry David. On this page, you can see a funny video he made, making fun of the press media's coverage of him eating a dog (but it was a goat... really). https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/he-has-sense-of-humor-and-doesnt-take.html
35. He doesn't play Golf (no offense, golfers). I can't help feeling relieved at the thought that I won't have to listen to him comparing his GOLF habits to other presidents. How much golf was played, who swings better, blah blah blah. Golf is just not his thing. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/08/kennedy-doesnt-play-golf-whew.html Luckily, we might get to see him surf, hike and ski... and maybe it will even inspire others to do so! https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/02/rfk-is-healthy-see-for-yourself.html
As I stated before, this list just keeps growing because he doesn't stop giving us so much material to work with!
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