If you don't think our government completely failed us, when it came to Covid, please have a look at this video below. Then, have a look at some of the posts linked below it. The Trump and Biden administrations spent TRILLIONS of dollars on a pandemic that never should have happened in the first place. There is a ton of evidence that we already had safe and effective methods to completely eradicate Covid in the early stages. But there's SO much crony capitalism going on in our government, their willingness to do deals with Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson put all of our lives at risk.... and it's despicable.
This is the most important video you will watch this year. Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 25, 2023
“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.” pic.twitter.com/1sYnVMaIRN
There is SO much information the Pharma-funded Mainstream Media REFUSED TO TELL US! Please click on the links below, to see the important information so many people in our country have been missing.
- The REAL REASON Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Never Approved: Look how bureaucrats COVERED UP the TRUTH!
- BILL GATES and the GATES FOUNDATION: Some STARTLING information you may not know
- The C.D.C.: What You Need to Know (They Profit from Vaccines!)
- The F.D.A.: What You NEED TO KNOW (They KNEW The HIGH RISK of Potential DEADLY Vaccine Side Effects)
- In Fauci We BUST - Endless Evidence that shows why we can NO LONGER TRUST Tony Fauci
- Fauci's history of pushing Ineffective, SUPER TOXIC AZT - The Drug that Inspired The Movie "Dallas Buyer's Club"
- Corruption in FEMA, too! Is there ANY Government agency we can trust?
- The Truth About Tyrant Justin Trudeau - Who Appears To Be Fidel Castro's Son (Not a joke, see the evidence)
- What you need to know about the W.H.O.: See their Shocking Admission about a lack of Vaccine Safety Data!
- The N.I.H. (National Institute of Health): What you NEED TO KNOW
- BIG PHARMA: What You Need to Know
- How BIG PHARMA Controls the Mainstream Media
- What You NEED TO KNOW About Pfizer: The Company That Paid the LARGEST CRIMINAL FINE in HISTORY
- The POWERFUL Presentation that CLEARLY shows: Pfizer Vaccines do MORE HARM THAN GOOD!
- How Bill Gates Controls the Mainstream Media with Millions and Millions of Dollars in Donations
- BOMBSHELL evidence: FDA and Pfizer conspired to hide thousands of adverse events and deaths caused by the COVID jab
- What You Need to Know About Merck
- What You Need to Know About AstraZeneca
- What You Need To Know About Moderna
- What you Need to Know About Johnson & Johnson
- What you NEED TO KNOW About the World Economic Forum... Could This Pandemic Have Been PLANNED? The Conspiracy Theory That's Sounding More Like REALITY
- Scientific Studies are Heavily Susceptible to Bias and Data Manipulation - See the Evidence
- How Hospitals Make TONS OF MONEY from COVID Patients (as much as $100K per person Right Off The Bat)
- Fraud in the "FACT CHECKING" Websites - Why You Need to See the REAL FACTS about "Fact Checking" Websites!
- How FACEBOOK Manipulates and Censors Their Viewers... Badly
- The Truth About PCR Tests
- Can an Asymptomatic Person With NO COVID SYMPTOMS Spread COVID?
- The Corruption Behind Comirnaty... see why it's NOT available to the general public!
- Why "90% effective" Doesn't Mean What Most People THINK it Does! Understanding Relative vs. Absolute Risk (Unbelievable Deception)
- Even BILL GATES says the vaccines are NOT effective for preventing COVID transmission!
- What We Were Never Told about the Vaccine Trials
- How The Mainstream Media Manipulates What We Believe About The Pandemic
- Why it's getting hard for Californians to trust anything Gavin Newsom Says
- Even Paypal and Venmo are participating in the Censorship
- Politifact's BIAS - See how Bill Gates' Massive Donations are Very Likely to have Influenced their "Reporting"!
- How Big Pharma Controls The Mainstream Media
- Molnupiravir Could Cause a COVID MUTATION CRISIS - And Then KILL YOU Anyway!
- How the Media CONTROLS US with DOPAMINE HITS and Perpetuating Righteous Indignation
- Why Our Government has the LEGAL RIGHT to LIE about Vaccine Safety... See Why Vaccines May Not Be As Safe And Effective As You've Been Led To Believe
- These are the VETTED EXPERTS you should REALLY be listening to, during the Covid Pandemic!
- 17,000+ Doctors and Scientists Unite to WARN the public about the Hidden Dangers of COVID Vaccines
- What EVERY PARENT Needs to See, Before Vaccinating Their Children
- MRNA Co-Inventor's Plea to Parents: DO NOT VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN With these MRNA Vaccines!!!!
- SERIOUS, Heartbreaking Vaccine Injuries (and Deaths) in Children
- SERIOUS Vaccine Injuries (and Deaths) in Adults - You aren't likely to see these on the news!
- 75+ Athletes having Heart Attacks or DYING - This ONE VIDEO makes it CLEAR... These shots cause BLOOD CLOTS
- Myocarditis and Blood Clots after Vaccination is REAL - Here's the Evidence
- Blood Clots After Covid Vaccination
- Look at the RISK-BENEFIT Analysis of Covid Vaccination.... We killed 150K with Vaccine to save 10K lives (For Kids, 117 die to save ONE life)
- Is this REALLY a "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"... or is it the other way around?
- What happens when Honest Doctors, Scientists and Patient Advocates try to do the RIGHT THING
- CNN, CBS, 60 Minutes and Good Morning America and The New York Times Reporting the TRUTH!
- OVER 50 NURSES & DOCTORS Describe what's REALLY going on in their hospitals
- Why You Should Subscribe to Steve Kirsch's Substack!
- 10 Ways the COVID Vaccines VIOLATE the Nuremberg Code
If you don't believe the mainstream media is lying to you, look at the video below, and the videos on THIS PAGE, and ask yourself, how many of these protests did you actually see on the nightly news? The mainstream media and our government are terrified of people finding out that such a large part of the population is in agreement that the Covid Vaccines should never have been pushed on us when they DID NOT WORK like they were supposed to. And if you don't believe THAT... please look at THIS PAGE.
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