Thursday, August 8, 2024

Where does RFK Jr. Stand on LGBTQ Issues?

I'm very pro-LGBTQ rights. See this picture here on the left? This was taken the night I was the volunteer photographer at a Queer Prom high school dance. I have friends and family members who are gay and transgender, and have always felt very proud to defend and support them however I can.

I absolutely do believe in gay marriage. I don't think it's fair that only some people be allowed to have a legal spouse, because it's a known fact that a certain percentage of the population is going to be gay, no matter what. Some people are just born gay, in the same way some clovers have 4 leaves instead of 3. Every population will have a percentage of gay people.. It's just a numbers thing.

I believe people who are born gay shouldn't have to control what they feel in their hearts, and they shouldn't have to hide it if it's not dangerous to others. If they don't come out as gay, they will just have to live as a closeted gay person... and how depressing would THAT be? In my opinion, that is NO way to live. People shouldn't be forced to live in the closet, any more than people who live in rural areas should be forced to surrender their guns.

I have people in my family who are transgender, and am in support of their own personal choices. But I also know that Big Pharma has a LONG history of lobbying for medical treatments that can make them millions, if not billions of dollars, even if they tend to endanger the health of the people they are targeting.

Did you know that a transgender child can bring in a million dollars for the pharmaceutical industry, over time? This is not to say that all children who transition are doing so because of pressure, but Kennedy realizes there is the potential for this to be a factor, and he wants to be sure children are able to make informed decisions - and it can be difficult to do so at a young age.

If you look at the videos below, you will see that there are many people who have de-transitioned, because they realized that they were pushed into becoming transgender, by people who got kickbacks from the Pharmaceutical industry.  Kennedy will be taking this into account, as he is a staunch defender of human rights, but he fights ESPECIALLY hard for KIDS. If you don't believe it, please have a look at the website Children's Health Defense, which he founded. 

In this interview below, it seems that Patrick Bet David was criticizing RFK, for not being able to give a quick answer to his transgender rights question, but I commend him for honestly saying he just doesn't know enough about the topic. As a lawyer, he knows that it's very important to research a topic thoroughly, before you start talking about it, otherwise you're going to lose credibility if you don't know what you're talking about.

RFK Jr. spends so much time researching so many topics (that the last two presidents and vice presidents should have been researching and working on)... he can't possibly have time to look into every single one of them as much as he'd like to. 
Even though RFK hasn't taken a strong stand on the transgender issue yet, I'm sure he will state his opinion after he's given it a lot of careful consideration. I believe RFK Jr. is more of a humanitarian than any candidate we could ever see.  


Patrick Bet-David really pressured RFK Jr. to give a definitive answer on his stance on Transgender issues, when RFK hadn't had enough time to research all sides.  Kennedy is a lawyer who has won many cases because he spends an extensive amount of time researching BOTH SIDES of every issue, so I commend him for standing his ground on this. Kennedy is the most hard-working presidential candidate I have ever seen in my lifetime (if you don't believe it, look at the videos on his campaign page). 

Kennedy has extensively researched our economy, border security, pharmaceutical corruption, child health and many other topics our current white house's administration seems to be clueless about. So we can't really expect him to be completely educated about every single topic. And if he's not well researched on a topic, he is NOT going to give an answer, just for the sake of gaining temporary favorability. I really admire that! 

And I deeply appreciate his defense of children, because I know from personal experience that the pharmaceutical industry LOVES to target teens and young adults. 

I was targeted as a teenager and led to believe I should take antibiotics and a drug called Accutane, to clear up my skin. No doctor ever told me that I could clear up my skin by eating more whole foods, cleaning up my diet and drinking more water. They know kids are vulnerable and self conscious and are easy targets. The fact that I was coerced into taking these drugs, believing it was my best option, drastically messed up my microbiome and caused me to have depression and anxiety. 

To this day I have eyesight issues and am at a higher risk for degenerative bone disease and a retinal detachment, because of these drugs I was misled into taking. It makes me angry to think I could have avoided these serious health issues if I hadn't been influenced by corrupt doctors who were getting kickbacks from big pharma! So I have a lot of appreciation for Kennedy's diligent defense of children. 

Leaked emails from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) reveal internal debates and disagreements among members regarding the best practices and guidelines for transgender healthcare. These leaks have sparked discussions about transparency and also revealed that the Biden Administration pushed for no age restrictions for medical transition of minors.

AIRDATE: July 11, 2024

You can see the video by CLICKING HERE.  



RFK's Respectful Opinion on Transgender people in sports

For anyone who still thinks people with an unfair advantage because they have male DNA,should be allowed to compete in women's sports, You really should listen to this interview with Riley Gaines.

It was also nice to hear that RFK Jr. defended his son who got in trouble after defending a friend after a homophobic slur was directed at him in a bar. 


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