Robert Kennedy was part of the legal team that sued Monsanto for an unprecedented $2 Billion for lying to the public about the dangers of Roundup. I'm particularly happy about this because my sister's dog, La'ie, died after her landlord sprayed Roundup all over their back yard. He began having convulsions and died not long after. It truly blows my mind that these corporations have been able to get away with this for so long. It harms all of us. Roundup is in most peoples' bodies, because it's all over the food we eat. It's in most grains, cereal, processed food. You can learn more by watching the videos below.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. On Suing Monsanto and The Dangers of Round-Up
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Monsanto and Democracy Capture | Soil Not Oil 2019
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Michael Baum re Monsanto Verdict | EU Radio & TV (Sept. 2018)
The Glyphosate Panel: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses the Chemical Industry
RFK Jr.: How I Got Monsanto To Pay Billions
The Harmful Effects Of Glyphosate, The Most Common Agrochemical
The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product | Four Corners
The Forever Chemical Scandal | Bloomberg Investigates
Monsanto: The True Cost of Our Food
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Monsanto and Democracy Capture | Soil Not Oil 2019
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