Friday, August 16, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Bringing Support and Aloha to the People of Hawai'i

Robert F. Kennedy brought so much kindness are compassion to Hawaii. I was so moved by this message he recorded for the people of Lahaina, Having lost his uncle and father at such a young age, to assasin's bullets, He clearly has genuine empathy who are experiencing unimaginable loss. RFK's Mom, Ethel Kennedy, really taught him to be strong in times of tragedy. I transcribed some of it below.

After his brother Michael died, Bobby asked his Mom, when people die, the hole they leave (in your heart)... does that ever get any smaller? 

"She said no, but our job is to grow ourselves bigger around that hole. And the way that we do that is by incorporating the best virtues of those people that we lost, into our own character. And we build ourselves, we build our character, and we give those people a kind of immortality, because we're thinking every day about how to improve ourselves, by incorporating the lessons of our lives, and the virtues that they displayed, when they were with us. At the same time, we grow ourselves into bigger people. And when we do that, that hole gets proportionately smaller." 

I actually got teary eyed reading that, it was such a beautiful message. You can see Kennedy's full message to the people of Lahaina, in this video...

In typical RFK fashion, he went down to talk to locals and try to get a deeper understanding of what can be done to get them as much assistance as possible. Can you imagine Biden or Harris doing this? 

They're going to need so much money to build back Lahaina. This tragedy is part of the reason I find it unforgivable that our country blew over $16 trillion on the pandemic, when it could have been easily eradicated with effective and inexpensive methods. So much of that Covid money ended up going into the pockets of multi-millionaires, when we should have been using it on tragedies like Lahaina and East Palestine. 


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