Sunday, September 29, 2024

Is Kamala Harris POWER HUNGRY?

I have seen some videos recently that were like BIG RED FLAGS when it came to Kamala's ability to make good decisions. The 4 videos below made it crystal clear to me, that she is not capable of making the kinds of decisions that we would need to see in a President. It seems like she thrives on power, to the point where she will prosecute INNOCENT people, simply because she CANNOT STAND LOSING.  It seems as if any person who DARES to try to challenge her or go against her, will be PUNISHED, even if they haven't done anything wrong!

That is NOT the kind of person I want to see in charge of deciding whether or not we go nuclear war! And she seems to have the ability to turn a blind eye to the destruction she's creating while she's not doing her job. 

I USED to think that TRUMP was like that. I thought he was power hungry, and I thought he WOULD start wars... but he DID NOT. If you look at this page you can see a link that shows how Trump has not started ANY wars during his presidency, something not done since Roosevelt was in office. On the other hand, A MILLION PEOPLE are injured or dead from the Ukraine war that Harris and Biden funded. 

Please watch the videos below to see what I mean, about Kamala abusing her power. BUCKLE UP!!! This is a next-level story from Cheree Peoples that shows why a vote for Kamala Harris is not a vote for Black people

The video below shows the staggering amount of border materials that were wasted, due to Kamala's pride. Her refusal to use "Trump's" materials cost us BILLIONS of dollars. They began ordering NEW materials, because they didn't want to use anything that was ordered by Trump. How many public health programs could have been funded with the money they just flushed down the drain??????
Please wait a minute for the video to upload, it may take more than a few seconds but it's worth the wait.




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