There are few people in this world who should want to want to vote for Kamala Harris, more than I do. Why? Because when she went to France in 2021, shortly after becoming VP, she visited the Sureness American Cemetery where my Great Great Aunt Inez Murphy Crittenden is buried. So I could never figure out why she said she "hasn't been to Europe"?

My family had almost no information about my Great Great Aunt Inez, since my paternal Grandfather - an only child - didn't talk much about his Aunt. I think he'd been traumatized after his birth mother (nee Blanche Murphy) died very unexpectedly when he was a little boy. His father remarried soon after, and they moved, so I guess he lost touch with his birth mother's side of the family.
According to my Aunt, my Grandpa said he'd only met his Aunt Inez (his Mom's sister) once, and he didn't know much about her. Maybe his maternal grandmother never reached out much because she was dealing with her own grief, having lost both of her daughters in tragic circumstances. It's unfortunate that we didn't know much about my Great Aunt Inez until a few years ago.
After doing some research on her, it's no surprise that he didn't get much of an opportunity to get to know her. She was a busy Executive Assistant in San Francisco in her late 20s (and by crazy coincidence, so was I). It's easy to put in 50-60 hours a week as an Exec Assistant, making sure you've wrapped up every little detail so things go smoothly for your boss.
When my Aunt was about 30 years old, she was recruited as one of the Hello Girls and flew to France to work in the U.S. signal corps. Sadly, she died in a Paris hospital, due to complications of Influenza.
I hadn't seen a photo of Inez Crittenden until my older sister told me that she had just seen one (from Wikipedia). She said, "She looks a lot like like you, you know." I said, "Really?" I didn't believe it at first, because people sometimes tell me someone looks like me, but when I see the person, I disagree. In addition, I've been told my whole life that I look like my Mom. So it was hard to imagine I would resemble someone on my Dad's side of the family.
But when I saw the photo of my Aunt Inez, my jaw dropped. I kid you not, her profile looked so much like mine, in high school, when I weighed about 10 pounds more and had jet black hair. I actually thought, for a second, that I was looking at a photograph of myself. I even had this crazy thought that maybe they couldn't actually find a picutre of the real Inez Crittenden, so maybe somebody managed to dig up some picture of one of her relatives (me), and just stick it on Wikipedia. I know that sounds insane, but I'd never seen any photograph of any other person who looked that much like me. I've seen a couple of other photos of her, and for whatever reason she doesn't look much like me from the front. But from the side, we coulda passed for sisters. I have the same strong jawbone and stare, and she was even a virgo like me.
Wish I had a better photograph, but the closest thing I could find with the time I had, was a video still from a skit I did in high school. I'm on the left, Inez is on the right. I think we'd look even more similar if this picture of me was taken from a lower angle (as it is in the picture on the right). In that case, you'd be able to see the reflection that shows we have the same strong jawbone.
Anyway, sorry for the digression, but I'm mentioning all this to explain why I felt kind of honored that Kamala Harris had taken the time to pay tribute to my Great Great Aunt, and all the other US Veterans who were laid to rest there. I feel like I should want to vote for Kamala. She is the only person I know of, who has been to the Suresness American Cemetery in France. And she put her hand on my Great Great Aunt's gravesite, and she mentioned her in a speech! That's gotta be worth SOME kind of brownie points, right?
Inez Ann Murphy Crittenden was an Executive Assistant in San Francisco before WWI.
— ABMC (@usabmc) March 28, 2022
Her story was shared to @VP Kamala Harris when she visited Suresnes American Cemetery, last year. Discover who this amazing woman was:
Jesse Watters: Have you ever heard from Joe Biden or Harris?
Mom: We have never heard from either one of them, ever, in the entire three years since our kids were killed by their administration, and what he said during the debate was even more of a gut punch."
Jesse Watters: What did he say?
Mother: That no service member had died, during his presidency."
Gold Star mom says she's 'INFURIATED' with Kamala Harris' Trump attack
Megyn Kelly on Kamala's Attack on Trump's Arlington Visit Getting Slammed by Gold Star Families
Vice President Harris Holds a Press Conference (talks about her trip to France)
Gold Star families defend Trump after Harris' criticism
I'd seen Kamala Harris in the video below, saying she hadn't been to Europe. I thought that was odd, given the fact that I knew Kamala had visited the Suresnes American Cemetery in France. Why would she say that??
Kamala Harris’ response to border crisis: I haven’t ‘been to Europe’ either | New York Post
Kamala Harris is a ‘liar’: US Vice President claims to have never been to Europe
You can also see coverage of her trip to Poland and Romania, HERE.
The Sureness American Cemetery in France is the final resting place to over 1500 American Veterans. Given the fact that this is just one of many American Cemeteries, I am assuming they have the same rules about videography. So, did they just make an exception for Kamala?
You can see a video of Kamala Harris going to the cemetery in this article by The Daily Mail. There is a video of her going up to this wreath, and when she does, you can hear the papparazzi cameras clicking away. Obviously there was an intention to get press coverage. So it seems a little hypocritical that she bashed Trump for visiting the veterans who were killed, and laid to rest in Arlington, during the Biden administration.
Vice President Kamala Harris pays her respects to American fallen service members buried overseas
On November 10, 2021, in honor of Armistice and Veterans Day, Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband visited Suresnes American Cemetery, just outside Paris, France, and paid their respects to the American fallen service members from WWI and WWII who are memorialized there.
After an intimate wreath laying and playing of Taps, Vice President Harris was greeted by Superintendent Keith Stadler who provided an orientation of the memorial and cemetery grounds. Superintendent Stadler shared with Vice President Harris stories of some of the men and women who gave their lives for our nation. Among them, Inez Ann Murphy Crittenden, one of the 233 "Hello Girls" or telephone operators sent to France during WWI, who proved vital to American success in Europe. After hearing the stories of the servicemen and women who continue to be remembered every day by the work of the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), the Vice President thanked the gathered ABMC staff, including the critical grounds crew who maintain our sites to pristine standards, saying, "Thank you for sharing these stories, for continuing to tell these stories. It is so important. It keeps their memories alive."
Suresnes American Cemetery is the final resting place of more than 1,500 Americans who perished during World War I from wounds received on the various battlefields of France. Many were victims of the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919, also known as the Spanish Flu. The site also contains the remains of more than 20 Unknowns from World War II. The Memorial Chapel has two loggias, one dedicated for each world war. Inside the Chapel are inscribed 974 names of those missing in action.
Since 1923, ABMC’s sacred mission is to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifice of the more than 200,000 U.S. service members buried and memorialized at 26 cemeteries and 32 monuments, in 17 countries, including four in the United States.
"We invited Trump:" 8 Gold Star families send video messages to Kamala Harris
Gold Star families fire back at Kamala Harris over Trump's Arlington visit
'I'm Just Speechless': Gold Star Mother Decries 'Altercation' At Arlington National Ceremony
“Don’t Know What She Does” - Kamala Harris SLAMMED For Blowing Off Gold Star Families At Arlington
VP Kamala Harris tries to mend US relations with France meets with
Again, I don't mean to sound ingrateful for the fact that Kamala Harris took the time to pay her respects to someone in my family, or any veteran, for that matter.
But I guess I don't understand why, if Kamala Harris was able to take the time to visit my Great Great Aunt Inez, who passed away over 100 years ago in France, why couldn't she take the time to visit the gravesites of veterans who were killed just a few years ago, while she was in the white house? Why did she and Joe Biden ignore the calls from these family members when they invited her to Arlington?
These people are still in mourning over their loved ones, and all she did was criticize Trump for going to visit them, when he was INVITED THERE by the veterans' family members!
Sadly, Kamala Harris seems to have a long history of covering up the real facts, in an attempt to make herself look good. You can see this in the fact-checking videos on THIS PAGE. And then on THIS PAGE you can also see an instance of how she practically TERRORIZED a single mother whose daughter had to imss school because she had sickle cell anemia. She had her put in jail, and it caused the mother so much stress, she lost her job and her housing. Her daughter ended up having a stroke! After all that, Kamala actually lied about putting ANY parents in jail. It's really stunning and heartbreaking at the same time.
I don't think Kamala Harris is a bad person.... I'm sure there are many things about her that are just lovely. I just don't think she - at least not at this time - is qualified to be the President of the United States.
And I can't help thinking my Great Great Aunt Inez would agree that Kamala should have taken the time to pay her respects to the military personnel who died under Kamala and Biden's watch. If she was able to find the time to pay a visit to a war veteran who passed away over a hundred years ago, it certainly would have been nice if she could have taken the time to honor those who passed away under her own watch.
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