Monday, September 23, 2024

Did Bobby Kennedy ACTUALLY Cheat on His Wife Cheryl? So far, the evidence says NO!

When I heard about RFK Jr's "sexting" scandal, I kept digging for more details to see what RFK Jr actally did that was inappropriate, and so far I've found nothing. At least, nothing that any other 70 year old man in a committed relationship wouldn't do.  

These news reporting agencies will do ANYTHING to sell magazines and get people to click on their stories. So far, all I see is CLICKBAIT.

So, we're supposed to get up in arms over the fact that he TOLD people about the NUDE pictures a woman sent him? SO WHAT? If he didn't actually ACT on it, in my opinion it is NO big deal and he didn't do anything wrong. 

If RFK told someone about a much younger woman, sending him demure nude pics, I wouldn't totally fault him for it. It's got to make him feel good, to some extent, being 70 years old, so of COURSE that is going to come across as bragging, to some people. How would a 70 year old guy NOT be like "Yeah, I still got it!" If a woman half his age just sent a bunch of nudie pics? 

But he KNEW it wasn't right, so he BLOCKED her. And she KEPT pursuing him!

The fact that he "shared" the pics doesn't mean he FORWARDED them, and even if he did, I don't totally fault him (and I DEFINITELY would not call it revenge porn as this one reporter in one of the videos below had said). It sounds like Olivia was being really aggressive with the texting and/or photos. If RFK actually had to BLOCK her because she wouldn't leave him alone, what does that tell you? How is RFK at fault here?  THE RELATIONSHIP NEVER EVEN GOT PHYSICAL. I mean, how is this even NEWS?

I do feel a little sorry for Olivia Nuzzi because it doesn't sound like she is very stable, but whatever. Hey I'm not exactly perfect either. But I wouldn't even let ANY boyfriends or my husband take a naked picture of me, because you just do NOT have control over where that picture is going to end up. Olivia Nuzzi should have known better, sorry.  It was NOT COOL of her to do that to RFK, knowing he is married to Cheryl Hines, who has done SO much for him, and he speaks so highly of her in interviews. To make matters worse, the news broke just a day before Cheryl's birthday!

Olivia should have known that when (not IF, but WHEN) this story DID come out, it was going to be YET ANOTHER story that made RFK Jr look like some kind of bad guy. 

I almost have to wonder if Olivia Nuzzi was used as some kind of plant or spy, to try to GET RFK Jr to take the bait so they'd have something to write about. Could she have been paid by some Democrat? Maybe that's not what happened, but I would NOT totally dismiss that possibility. 

Here are some of the videos about the topic. Love how Jimmy Dore has the same reaction as me. It's like, they're trying way too hard to create something out of nothing.


I disagree with this woman who says if RFK Jr shared these photos, that would be a legal matter. If you don't want people to share your photos, DON'T SEND THEM TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T ASK FOR THEM!!!! I'm sorry but this woman should known better. What was she thinking??? Again, RFK Jr. appears to be happily married. Yeah NO marriage is perfect and all marriages take WORK to keep them alive. One aggressive woman like this can create a huge scandal for even someone like Arnold the Governator. 

This is the last thing RFK Jr. needed, and she should have known this would come out. I guess we will find out the full truth soon. I am pretty sure RFK Jr. is not an idiot, he has had a history of having a weakness for women, but I think he's learned and has GOT to know that this could unsurface and get BOTH of them in trouble. 

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