Friday, August 16, 2024

Why Kamala Harris is Likely to Lead Us into World War III - LOOK AT HER TRACK RECORD, and LOOK AT WHO IS ENDORSING HER!!!!!

Please don't make the mistake of thinking (like I did) that the United States could somehow protect itself from a Nuclear attack, or that we couldn't be close to having one. 
After listening to this video below, I got a major wakeup call.  

I've finally begun to realize that the Democratic party really has become a party of war, and we are currently UNABLE to protect ourselves in a war against China and Russia. I didn't believe it at first, but after listening to some of the interviews on this page, it became glaringly and frighteningly obvious that the Mainstream Media is NOT telling us everything we need to know about how UNPREPARED the United States would be, if World War III began.  You can see more information about this, further down the page. A nuclear war is a lot more possible than you may think (please feel to watch these videos and prove me wrong). So far, Kamala Harris is showing serious indicators that she is the candidate who could push us into World War III. 

For the longest time, I've believed it was the REPUBLICANS who were the war-mongers. I believed Donald Trump was the person who was most likely to get us into a World War. I'd heard Donald Trump was the only president (since Eisenhower) who didn't start any new wars. I found this very hard to believe. But I finally looked it up, and to my astonishment.... it was true. You can see a list of wars started by US Presidents on THIS PAGE.  Look, I'm not saying I've become a huge fan of Trump for this reason, because I haven't. But I had to begrudgingly accept the fact that this is one of many things I got wrong about him.  

PLEASE listen to this and share this transcribed interview (from the videos below it) with RFK and Tulsi Gabbard if you can!

RFK Jr. says:

"We've pushed Russia into a dangerous alliance with China and Iran. The Russians and Chinese can outmanufacture and outgun us with 21st century arsenals including drones, hypersonic missiles, and cyberwarfare. During the 20th century, nobody in the world could match Amearica's production capacity, but that was before we de-industrialied our nation. Our country no longer has the industrial base to fight and win a global war. 

Republic and Democratic trade agreements for the last few decades have transferred our manufacturing base to China and other nations. A single Chinese company now makes 75% of the drones on Earth. It's a simple thing for the Chinese to shift that industrial capacity to military production." 

Thought it was worth sharing a speech RFK's father gave, about abolishing violence. 


Stop Pouring Weapons into the Ukraine War

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Aggressive and Reckless

The Biden administration and the US Congress are acting in an irresponsible and arrogant manner toward Russia over Ukraine. They act as if they intend to push Russia to the breaking point and expect something good to come from it. This is madness! 

Historical Precedent?

In July 1961, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff presented a plan to President John F. Kennedy for a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. The military men assured the President of victory because the Soviet Union would lose 130 million people, while the United States would lose "only" 30 million. JFK stormed out of the room and remarked to his Secretary of State Dean Rusk, "and we call ourselves the human race?" 

Has the mentality of the military brass of the 1960s taken over the thinking of our elected officials today? It appears that way, and it is horrifying. 

Send a Message

Use the form below to send an email to your federal lawmakers.

Simply click on the button that says, "Edit and Send Email"

The form guides you through finding your representatives and lets you send a pre-formatted message. You can customize the message in any way you like. 

Please take action on this burning issue today, before it's too late.  

Every person should see this video below. Kennedy understand how Nato and the Military Industrial Complex works. You can see more vides on THIS PAGE.


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