Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Why RFK is a LOT like his father, RFK Sr.

All the research I've done indicates that, out of the 11 children Bobby and Ethel Kennedy had, their third child, RFK Jr., may have been the MOST like his father. And I also get the feeling he may have even been his favorite, or at least, the one he had the strongest connection with. RFK would likely never say this, even if he thought so, but I just get this feeling, based on what I've read. 

For starters, Bobby Kennedy Jr. was one of the first born, of the Kennedy Clan that lived on Hickory Hill. He was 14 when his father was assassinated... an age where he was young enough to still idolize his Dad and listen to everything he said, yet old enough to be able to comprehend things.  

RFK Jr's Dad hated to lose. He bucked authority. But he was also very sensitive and compassionate, and that is how RFK Jr. seems to be, too.

I also think RFK Senior may have had a feeling his son might wind up in the Oval Office one day. He seemed to recognize that Bobby Jr. could have the capacity to be a great leader one day.

The year he died, Bobby Kennedy Sr. read the book "The Plague," by Albert Camus, and handed it to his son with a particular urgency, insisting that he read it. The book is about a doctor who helps people who have the plague, despite the fact that he realies this could lead to his own deimse. He does it because he feels that it is the right thing to do.

What RFK Jr. said was really inspirational. You can read the full extent of what he says in the transcript on THIS PAGE

He also spent a lot of time with Native Americans, like his father did. You can see that on THIS PAGE

I can't help thinking RFK's Dad would be really, really proud of him. It's really unfortunate to see that some of his family members have been making disparaging comments about him, as if he is some sort of danger to society. They were casting their own brother in a really bad light, while he refused to say anything negative about them. Please note that all the Kennedy members who have spoken out against RFK are those who are working for the now-corrupt democratic party

They're also doing so because they STILL believe the Covid vaccines were a good idea... despite the overwhelming evidence that they were NOT safe, NOT effective, and those vaccines put our country into about 16 TRILLION dollars worth of debt (making our gas and grocery prices SOAR through the roof).  

I just saw this video that I thought should be on this page. 

This republican, Rick Dancer, just mentioned an interview with Tucker Carlson that made him teary-eyed. RFK talked about seeing the environment as God's creation, and taking care of it.  You can see the Tucker Carlson interview on THIS PAGE about the Environment (you may have to scroll down the page). 

He thought to himself, listening to this interview, "God, you sound so much like your Dad." And he remembers his parents really loved his father, too. He wondered if his parents would have loved RFK Jr., too.  It's hard to know what a person would  have thought, once they're gone, but I'm with this guy. I can't help thinking yeah... of course they'd love him, too. He's like the reincarnation of his Dad!

Thank you Robert Kennedy Jr. for continuing to help protect human rights and our environment. I'm so glad you've learned how to tune out the noise. Just keep on doing what you're doing, cause people will eventually find out the truth about how much you've cared, all along. As Elvis Presley once said, "The truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."

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