Thursday, August 22, 2024

What Nobody is Saying about the BEAR RFK Jr. Left In the Park (or the Whale)!

In case you don't already know this, RFK didn't actually kill the bear he'd left in the park. He said a woman who was in front of him, hit the bear, and it died, and I believe him. People who know RFK well describe him as being notably honest.

RFK has a great love of animals, as he grew up with LOTS of them at his childhood home. He is a strong defender of nature (you can see him talk about the importance of protecting nature by looking at this page, showing decades of his environmental work. I found TONS of pictures of Kennedy family members with their pets, which you can see ON THIS PAGE.

Robert F Kennedy is an outdoorsman. He hunts. He fishes. He actually eats what he catches, and he doesn't like to waste meat - maybe something he learned from spending so much time with Native American Indians. He and his father were both fierce supporters of Native Americans, and they fought hard to help them protect their land. Seriously, if you haven't already seen the work he's done with Native Americans, CLICK HERE.

Native Americans are very good about not wasting anything. They try to use every part of an animal that's been killed. RFK knew that dead bear was going to just sit there on the side of the road unless someone else took it. It would likely get tossed into a pickup truck up by Animal Control and put into an incinerator. I imagine most tribal Native American Indians would say that would be a waste!

I don't know if RFK was planning to eat the bear or not, but as someone who has several dogs like he does, I can imagine that his canines would have been VERY HAPPY to eat the natural, unprocessed meat from that bear. The amount of meat on that bear was probably like a month's worth of dog food for all his dogs! Why let it go to waste?  So, he put it in his car. 

Unfortunately, he ran out of time on his trip and wasn't able to skin the bear as he planned to. So he left it in Central Park, knowing it would eventually be picked up, or maybe other wildlife would be able to feast on it.

This sounds like something straight out of a comic episode of Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm, which seems appropriate given the fact that one of RFK's best friends is Seinfeld Creator Larry David, and that's how he met his wife, Cheryl, who plays Larry's wife on TV. 

A lot of people were offended by the fact that someone had taken a photo of him with the dead bear, posing with it. I'm a big-time animal person who has done LOTS of animal rescue for cats and dogs (I am fostering 4 german shepherds), and I am not offended by this at all. 

You'd think I'd be one of those people who were aghast, because I've spent many years in my adulthood as a vegetarian, and I am so sensitive to animal cruelty that I find it hard to even kill a spider. When my little sister and I would find cane spiders in the house, we were terrified of them, but we wouldn't kill them because we didn't think it was fair, when it wasn't the spider's fault it was born a spider, nor was it their fault we were terrified of spiders (unlike our older sister who could pick them up by hand). So, we'd chase the spider into a paper bag, and I'd go drop it off a quarter mile down the street and release it under a mango tree in an empty lot.  

But I just kind of had to laugh at the whole bear story because RFK Jr. kind of reminds me of my own Dad (who happened to have the same January 17th birthday). He tended to run into comical situations like this, and so do me and my sisters. My sister once joked that it's because we're descended from the Murphys - as in, Murphy's Law. My Grandpa's Mom was a Murphy. And when I was researching the Kennedy Family History, I could see that the Kennedys are related to the Murphys as well (RFK's Great Grandmother was Bridget Murphy). I'm sure there are a gazillion Murphys across the country, so I'm probably about as closely related to the Kennedys as Judge Joe Brown is to Brad Pitt. But it just made the story a little more interesting for me. 

So when I heard the story about RFK pulling over after that woman had hit a bear, I can't fault him if he could see an immediate USE for that bear, and his intention was to not let that bear go to waste. He could see that it was already dead,  It would be a waste to just let some roadkill company pick it up and haul it off to an incinerator. 

If I was the one who discovered the bear, dead on the road, I would have been an emotional, weeping mess. I probably would have started crying, and cursing the woman who didn't slow down to let the bear go by. I slow down for everything - squirrels, raccoons, birds, you name it. If it's on the road, I will do everything possible to NOT hit the animal.  My sister is a singer and songwriter who won a local songwriting contest, and on the day she won that award, a cat ran in front of the car as she drove home, so she swerved and the car hit a tree (another example of Murphy's Law in action in our family : D). 

But, while I don't have it in me to even kill a fish, I have to respect people who actually kill their own food, as long as it's in a way that is humane. The Native Americans likely would have done the same thing RFK did: picked up the bear, intending to use it's meat and fur, and put it in their car, if they had been driving one like Kennedy was.

While I don't think you could pay me any amount of money to skin a bear, I can see how it would be no big deal for someone who's been hunting and fishing his whole life. That's what our ancestors did. That's why many of us are here today. It just seems weird because we don't have to do the dirty work anymore. But Kennedy is all about getting back to nature. He doesn't eat processed food. 

It drives me nuts how we live in a culture where people never want to look at the WHOLE picture... because they don't have to. The people in power are happy to serve us what we want, whenever we want it, and hide all the horrors that went into making it so cheap. People just want to go through a fast food drive thru to get their dinner, and they never want to have to think about the cow that had to suffer for years in a factory farm, and that its calf was likely taken away, while its mother cried for her baby for weeks. 

I think about all the people who heard this bear story and got all up in arms, as if RFK is some kind of horrible bear-killer who tortures animals. And they overlook the fact that he didn't kill it, and they're thinking about these things while ordering a Burger King combo #9 at the drive thru... as if they're doing something that's less immoral. Look at the way many cows are raised in factory farms. This photo to the left shows cows at Harris Ranch, living in their own feces and filth that you can smell from literally ten miles away. Is this somehow less insane than RFK trying not to waste a bear that he didn't even kill? The only reason it's "weird" to us is because it just looks unusual.

I read the book The Real RFK, written by RFK Jr's his longtime friend Dick Russell, who said Bobby actually hated to kill anything. He grew up with many different animals... dogs, cats, horses, ponies. They were all a part of the Kennedy family. 

This may seem ironic because he is a hunter, but hunting is a natural thing most species on Earth use to survive, and in my opinion, if a game animal is killed quickly and humanely, that seems far better having to live in the usually-grossly-inhuman conditions of a factory farm. Animals that live in the wild eventually do get killed by some other species, but if a hunter does it very quickly and humanely, and doesn't WASTE what he just killed.... in my opinion, that's one of the best ways an animal could die. 

I'm including these pictures of RFK Jr. doing falconry because I think it kind of explains part of the reason he is not freaked out by death. Falconry is a form of hunting. The hawks go after other birds, just like they do in the wild.  He has seen many animals killed in a way that is natural for birds of prey to do. So I think he just doesn't see death in the same way that many of us do. But how can we be judgmental of this if we actually eat meat, ourselves? SOMEONE had to slaughter that animal, and it was likely done in a way that was far less humane for the animal, and they probably suffered in some kind of cage for a very long time. How is THAT humane, compared to RFK Jr. picking up a bear that was already dead?
Think of how many times you've gone into a bar or restaurant, and seen something like this. Yeah, it's not super common, but you've seen it. We've all seen it. And SOMEBODY had to perform taxidermy on the deer, elk or moose. While I think it's a little morose, I do realize the person who made these figures for bars, likely did so because they wanted to display the natural beauty of these creatures that roam the wilderness. 

If you scroll down, you'll see an article about Kendall Long, one of the famous Bachelorettes. She talks about sustainably sourced taxidermy, and how, to her, it's like a celebration of nature. Keep in mind that EVERY ONE of the animals the mainstream media is connecting RFK to, was ALREADY DEAD when he found it. The bear and the deer were BOTH already dead when he found them. And it's been confirmed that the "dog" he ate was actually a goat.  

At a young age, RFK Jr. realized his dream of hunting with hawks and falcons. He explains why, today, the ancient sport remains his lifelong passion.

As a teenager, RFK traveled to South America and lived with Peruvians who had to hunt for their own food. He hunted with them for food at night. That is how many people still survive in this world, but most of us are numb to this concept because we see meat as something you get that's already nicely grilled and seasoned and chopped up for you. We never have to see the cruelty and suffering that went into it. In case you're still buying into the narrative that beef comes from "Happy California Cows," it's time to wake up.  Many of them have to walk through and sit in their own feces all day long, fighting off swarms of flies all day long, until they're slaughtered. 

I can't stand to see food get wasted. Especially meat. My younger sister and I rarely eat meat, but we will both eat it if it's a matter of the thing going to waste or not. It seems really tragic if something died after living a horrible life in a factory farm, and then it just gets wasted. f my boyfriend ordered a pepperoni pizza that he's going to throw out because he's sick of pizza and it'll go bad if we keep it one more day... I'd rather eat it, than let it go to waste. I realize some people may find this odd, because we live in a world where people would rather just waste stuff and throw it in the trash, than look weird by going out of your way to not waste something. But to me, it just makes sense. There is FAR too much waste in this culture. That's one more reason why I think Kennedy and Shanahan would be an AWESOME job of fixing our country's overspending. 

Onr more thing I appreciate about RFK is that he really makes an effort to see things from other peoples' points of view. He seems to be very much like his late father, in that way. So I feel like we should try to give him that same grace. Personally, I would not have done what he did.  I eat a mostly vegetarian diet and can't stand the sight of blood. Occasionally I cook up raw chicken for my dogs, and the sight of that leftover blood at the bottom of the bag still makes me feel kinda nauseous. But I have to remember that every single person who eats meat, does so because someone actually had to take the time to butcher it. So it's funny how we would think of RFK's plans to butcher an animal himself, as beiing weird.

The mainstream media, of course, couldn't resist slaughtering him for it. Seems pretty hypocritical when most of the people who covered that story probably went home that night and had some kind of meat for dinner. 


RFK Jr.: How Nature Connects Us To God

The Kennedy family LOVES animals, especially dogs. If  you do an image search you can find dozens of photos with RFK Jr. and his Dad and the rest of their family, at home, with their happy dogs wagging their tails in the backgrounds of their photographs.  And you can see many more photos on THIS PAGE.

UPDATE 8/27: Well, The story about the dead whale on the beach just came out, too. God only knows how many more stories are gonna turn into mainstream headlines. Unless I hear of any cases were actual, animal cruelty was involved, I'm going to continue to back him up on these. 

From the perspective of someone who does Taxidermy...

In the video below, you can hear RFK Jr. talking about how he did a lot of Taxidermy when he was a kid. He describes how he knows what it's like to work with a (dead) raccoon. While this may sound strange to a lot of Americans (and yeah it made me wince, too), keep in mind that he spent a lot of time in South America and Africa, a place where people don't get their pre-packaged groceries off a shelf in Safeway. 

I learned, in the book The Real RFK Jr., that he's spent a lot of time in different countries with people who actually killed, skinned, and ate their own food. They have a practical perspective on this kind of thing. If the animal was already dead, why not keep it's fur, etc., if it can be useful in some way? 

Please keep in mind, I am one of those PETA type people who has spent many years as a vegetarian, and I am NOT a fan of real fur used in clothing, because in most cases the animal was likely bred FOR its fur. But in the cases where people have to hunt to survive, and they killed and ate a wile animal and then wanted to put its fur to good use ... why shouldn't they? The fact is, if it's already dead, I have to commend Kennedy for not just throwing that animal into the trash, as most people would likely do.   

One of the most beloved bachelorettes from The Bachelor was Kendall Long, who was also a taxidermist. You can see an article about her, HERE. But I am also pasting it below.  I imagine people who get into taxidermy do so because they really appreciate the beauty of all animals, and they choose to preserve them as a way to celebrate them.

Yes, Kendall Long Is Still Obsessed with 'Sustainably Sourced' Taxidermy: See Her Latest Find

To see more photos of the Kennedys with their many pets, CLICK HERE.

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