Friday, May 17, 2024

RFK Jr. being as Honest As the Daylight

The video below contains what is possibly the most impressive interview I've ever seen with RFK. He talks about how he became a more honest person - and the pain he had to experience, in order to get there. He said that addicts, by nature, basically have to lie, to continue to get away with their addictions. So, he'd told a lot of lies in his lifetime... but he was ready to come clean. He also knew that if he didn't become rigorously honest, he'd fall back into addiction.

He was in court for a case in New York, around a time when he'd just read an obituary written by C.S. Lewis. The author had just described his deceased friend as being "Honest as the Daylight." Kennedy thought to himself, "I wish that somebody, some day, would say that about me." 

The judge had just asked him a question, and he said something that had been an exaggeration. It was something he knew he could get away with, but he knew it wasn't true, and his conscience kept eating at him. So when it was his turn to get up and speak again, he actually told the judge that he'd just said something that was not true. There was a stunned silence in the courtroom, because they'd never heard a lawyer actually admit to lying! He said that the pain of doing that (admitting to a lie) will make you "struck honest"!

Robert F Kennedy Jr Being Honest as the  Daylight - Most Inspiring Video of RFK You'll Ever See - What He Learned Through Addiction.  Note: If you'd like to see the full interview, it's really good. Will post at the bottom of the page. It's called Robert F Kennedy Jr. & Joe Polish On Manipulation, The State Of America, and Recovery



Joe Rogan and Coleman Hughes On Why RFK Jr. Is More Compelling Than Trump Or Biden


Tucker Carlson notes how HONEST he believes RFK to be


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