Sunday, April 28, 2024

Can Robert F. Kennedy Jr. actually WIN this race?


I've never voted for any candidate that I thought could be just a "spoiler." I've been told you should always vote for the person you believe is the best candidate, who deserves to win. Yeah, I know I should do that, but... I'm one of those people who doesn't want to WASTE a vote, by voting for someone who doesn't have a good chance of winning. I don't want to help "throw" the election to someone whom I really don't want to win. 

So believe me when I say, I would NOT be voting for RFK Jr. if I didn't think he actually has a REALLY GOOD chance of winning. The Mainstream media is trying to give people the impression that he has NO chance of winning, because they know people tend to be like me, and they won't vote for someone who doesn't have a chance in hell of winning. 

But if you actually take the time to look closely at the real numbers (the stats the mainstream media won't tell you), you'll see that RFK Jr. has a REALLY GOOD chance of winning. Have a look at the videos below!



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