Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Why The Biden Administration REFUSED Secret Service Protection for RFK Jr

It's unbelievable to see how the Biden Administration actually denied RFK Secret Service protection, when he was clearly a strong candidate who likely needed more protection than any other candidate in history. 

In the past, strong polling candidates were always granted protection, but the powers that be forced him to put his campaign funds towards his own security, rather than advertising.  It's a despicable strategy to win an election, controlling government funds in order to control voter opinion. 

Biden and Harris were able to spend 10x more on their campaigns, than Kennedy, because their campaign funds weren't being rapidly drained like Kennedy's campaign was. 

Biden and Harris could spend 10x more money on their campaigns, and reach far more people, so they can have turnouts like this. While Kennedy has to use that same amount of money just to get on the ballot, and to cover his own secret service protection.

But it also doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's far less likely to win if his campaign funds have to be spent on security, rather than ads.  

In my opinion, that's playing extremely dirty, and it's the sheer opposite of democracy.  That's like allowing a transgender athlete who is biologically male, to knock out a female athlete. 

I got this email from the Kennedy campaign back in March: 

Our campaign's 5th request for Secret Service protection has been officially denied.
Kennedy for President COO Mike Sanders drafted a letter to the Congressional Protection Advisory Committee, where he cited numerous dangerous threats against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his family.
One such incident took place in Los Angeles after our private security team apprehended Adrian Aispuro, who falsely identified himself as a U.S. Marshal and demanded to meet with Kennedy while carrying a loaded handgun, along with a second firearm and ammunition.
Homeland Security guidelines dictate that major presidential candidates who poll with at least 15% support for major candidates or 20% for independent candidates for at least 30 consecutive days should have security.
Kennedy has been polling above those numbers for months!
Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas's response provides no explanation:
"Based on the facts and the recommendation of the advisory committee, I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is not warranted at this time."
>>>>>Considering the Kennedy family's extensive history of tragedy, including Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s father and uncle, the decision not to provide Secret Service Coverage is beyond shocking.<<<<<
Apparently, the Biden Administration and the political establishment would rather force our campaign to spend millions on security than field organizing, signature collecting, and advertising!
Please support Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s campaign today. Not only do we have expensive security costs—$2 million a month!—but we also need to spend more than $20 million to obtain ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Biden Administration Denies RFK, Jr. Secret Service Protection

WASHINGTON, DC—JULY 28, 2023—The Presidential Campaign Committee of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is releasing the below letter from the Biden administration, dated July 21, and received via FedEx on July 27, denying Secret Service Protection for Mr. Kennedy.

Campaign Manager Dennis Kucinich said:

"The American people, no matter their politics, will find this decision shocking and repugnant. This is obviously a political decision, not a legal one. As such, this is directly on President Biden. It is absolutely implausible that the President would try to claim that he was not consulted by his cabinet secretary on a matter as sensitive as this. President Biden is now to be held personally accountable for denying Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Secret Service Protection. The Biden administration has clearly politicized the once-independent Justice Department and security apparatus.”

Here's the letter:

Kennedy Secret Service Letter

Learn more at

After the Trump assassination attempt, Biden finally granted secret service protection to RFK Jr.. But honestly, if I were him, I'd keep the vigilant security detail he already has. If I were running for President, Gavin DeBecker's team is the one I'd want to have.  Some more videos on the topic are pasted below. 

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