Friday, September 27, 2024

How do Black People REALLY Feel about Kamala Harris?

My boyriend watches a lot of Fox News on Youtube, and I was shocked to see how many black people (Republicans and Democrats alike) have channels where they talk about how much they LIKE Trump, and are not fans of Kamala. This really shocked me, because the left wing Mainstream Media (which I heavily watched during Trump's presidency) made it sound like he's a racist who hates black people, so they must all hate him back. That was one more reason I've woken up to how the Mainstream Media manipulates what we see and believe, to support their own narrative. 

I realize Kamala DOES have a lot o black supporters, but I'm making this page to show you the side the Mainstream Media will never let you hear. 

NEW Documentary EXPOSES Kamala's Prosecutorial TARGETING of BLACK People & DESTROYING Their Lives

This video is NOT about Kamala Harris, but I am including it to point out how African Americans are, indeed, at a higher risk for death from Covid. Why is it that the Biden/Harris administration seemed to do NOTHING to make sure they knew they should be taking Vitamin D on a regular basis, to prevent Covid in the first place? Early treatment could not only have saved countless lives, but it could have prevented TRILLIONS of dollars from being spent. Now, we are all paying the price with outrageous inflation. Why is Kamala Harris still mandating these grossly unsafe vaccines for her employees?

Dr. Christina Parks Testimony - African Americans Are At a HIGHER RISK for VACCINE INJURY

I don't get why Kamala felt the need to LIE about her Irish grandmother (she even put it in her book). Could it be because her Irish grandma was a slave owner? Apparently her father didn't claim to be black at all. He is a marxist who told people he was Irish and Indian. Further down the page, you can see a video of Eric Weinstein talking about how Harris appears to be a Marxist. 


Listen to what this woman says about the democratic party, and what Malcolm X said about white liberals. 

The white liberal is the worst enemy to the black man. 

Angela Stanton-King Doesn't Hold Back About Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Pedophiles, and More...


“The Democrat Party Emasculates Black Men.” Nina Turner on the DNC, Israel & More | FREE PRESS LIVE

Angela Stanton-King explains why Trump was a better President than Biden - Pierre’s Panic Room

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