RFK Jr's didn't have a typical suburban childhood. His family had a very wide range of pets. In addition to dogs and cats, they also had Sea Lions in their swimming pool, an Elephant, and there were Horses galloping in the yard (his Mom would sometimes ride through the house)!
I remember also hearing that Jack Parr gave them 2 baby Lion Cubs, who were going to be euthanized after they were in the movie Born Free! They eventually went to Kennedy's High School, Milbrook, which is the only school that has an actual ZOO on it. From there, they ended up going to a sanctuary in Florida.
His Mom, Ethel, once got in trouble when she and her kids moved several horses from a place where they were being severely neglected. One of them was so sick, it died that night. You can hear him tell the story in the video below. The owner got sued by the ASPCA, and the charges against Ethel Kennedy were dropped.

From this page:
Kennedy, who is a devout Catholic, considers his patron to be Saint Francis of Assisi. He was devoted to social justice, animal welfare, helping people experiencing poverty, and ecology. He even wrote a book about his patron saint – Saint Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy.
Watch on TikTok
RFK Jr.: The Snake
He's not even afraid to pick up rattlesnakes! (But he lets them go)
Say hello to my little friend 🦗 pic.twitter.com/QA3eKn8IHU
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 4, 2024
Robert Kennedy Jr. is fighting for the environment...and tortoises!
RFK Jr. talks about his pet Emu!
Our Future President, RFK Jr. – Rock Climbing To Find An Eagle’s Nest
RFK Jr. and Roger Ailes went on a trip to Africa, back in the 70s. In this interview, Kennedy talks about how he caught a hawk there (and worked on training it). He also talks about how he originally wanted to be a veterinarian, but then decided to follow in his father's footsteps and go into law.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Roger Ailes
RFK has talked about how much he loves wildlife, especially falcons, in videos on YouTube.
Please note, I am not a fan of hunting. But the reality is, it's something that birds do, to survive. And in my opinion, hunting is often less cruel than factory farming, which provides inhumane conditions for animals for their entire lives. You can form your own conclusions... Biden and Trump probably haven't spent a lot of time hunting. If they're eating steaks that come from factory farms where cows have to spend years living in inhumane conditions, is that somehow better for the animals, or our enironment?
RFK Jr. Describes His Lifelong Love Of Falconry
RFK with his dogs
arch 11, 1961 - President John F. Kennedy visits with his nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK Jr.: How Nature Connects Us To God
The Best Environmental President in American History
A Plan to Protect Our Environment from Corporate Corruption and Contamination
RFK Jr., named Time Magazine’s “Hero for the Planet,” will be the greatest environmental president in American history. In 40 years as an environmental attorney, Kennedy fought and won lawsuits against hundreds of corporations and government agencies. He sued Mobil Oil to reverse its pollution of the Hudson River, making it safe to swim and fish again. He sued DuPont, Mitsubishi, and Ford, to force them to clean up chemical spills. He sued Monsanto on behalf of farm workers and families who developed cancer from toxic pesticides.
The organization Kennedy founded, Waterkeeper Alliance, is now the largest clean water organization in the world, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways in 47 countries. Throughout his career, Kennedy has stood among the leadership of the environmental movement crafting sensible, free-market solutions to environmental challenges.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s environmental plan will unite Americans around broadly shared values and commonsense priorities to protect our air, water, natural resources and sacred places. As an independent, Kennedy will break through the divisive political arguments that keep us distracted while Republicans and Democrats allow corporate interests to strip-mine our natural heritage.
In contrast with Kennedy’s lifelong efforts to fight corporate corruption and contamination of our environment, Presidents Trump and Biden both appointed corporate lobbyists to fill federal regulatory agencies. Trump rolled back dozens of environmental rules for big polluters, and Biden has given corporations billions of dollars of taxpayer money for false environmental solutions.
In this election, Kennedy is inviting the American people to look beyond the failed and divisive environmental policies of the past, and meet on common ground. His plan will:
- End the corporate capture of environmental regulatory agencies, including the EPA, USDA, DOI, DOE, USFWS, and USFS.
- Reduce toxic chemical pollution and plastic waste.
- Protect forests, rivers, fisheries, and wildlife habitats from corporate abuse.
- Adopt a wildfire management plan to keep forests resilient and communities safe.
- Stop big corporations and corrupt government officials who are using the environment as an excuse for profit-making schemes and power grabs.
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