Sunday, February 11, 2024

Look How RFK Gets Interrogated by Media Outlets That Are Funded by BILL GATES

Even though RFK Jr. has worked tirelessly to protect the environment, human rights, and children's healththe mainstream media continues to give its audience a negative impression of him.  

Please have a look at the information on this page, and ask yourself, is it really just a coincidence that the media outlets which constantly criticize and slander RFK just happen to be the ones that are funded by Bill Gates - who has boasted about making billions in profits from vaccines? Look at this video below, and decide for yourself.   


Scroll down to see the different media outlets Bill Gates has donated to, including stations like PBS and NPR, which we've learned to trust.  There was a time when many of us felt like, if the mainstream outlets like ABC, CBS or NBC weren't giving me the whole truth, we could turn these unbiased stations to fill in the gaps. But sadly, it seems like even those outlets have been captured as well.  

Again, please, feel free to look at this information, and decide for yourself. Have these media outlets been giving you the whole truth about RFK, or are these reporters giving you the narrative they've been paid to deliver?

CLICK HERE to see a breakdown of the hundreds of millions of dollars that Gates has donated to media outlets. These donations could likely influence what these media outlets choose to report.  You can go directly to the article that shows the list of what the Gates Foundation has donated, by clicking HERE.

Gates Foundation donations to NPR: $24,663,066    
CLICK HERE to see proof.

Gates Foundation donations to The Guardian: $12,951,391   
CLICK HERE to see proof.

Gates Foundation donations to The Converstion: $6,664,271   
CLICK HERE to see proof.

Gates Foundation donations to NBC Universal Media: $4,373,500   
CLICK HERE to see proof.


Although these media outlets below don't appear to have negative things about RFK Jr., they also don't say anything positive about him, either. They simply don't mention him, despite all he's done for the environment.  But at least they do say nice things about his father, who didn't raise any alarm bells about vaccines, because they weren't causing the damages that they are now. 

FK Jr. is a 'living, breathing false flag operation,' Dems say after Congressional hearing


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on why he thinks he has a chance as an independent candidate

Gates Foundation donations to PBS: $499,997   
CLICK HERE to see proof.

Look at how he gets interrogated in this interview, as compared to how he's treated by hosts from independent YouTube channels and podcasts.

Gates Foundation donations to Education Week: $4,898,240   
CLICK HERE to see proof.

While Education Week has articles praising RFK Jr's father, there is nothing about all the work he's done as an environmentalist.  It seems ironic, considering how much Gates says gives the impression that he's trying to save the Earth. 

Gates Foundation donations to Project Syndicate: $5,280,186   

Project syndicate is the one newsmedia outlet I couldn't find anything about RFK Jr..  I also searched with the word Kennedy, and couldn't find anything about Robert F. Kennedy, but this is the article that did come up. You can read about the article below, by CLICKING HERE.



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