Monday, July 8, 2024

Why are Comedians so ENLIGHTENED about the Corruption in the Covid Pandemic?

It's interesting how many comedians with their own podcasts, seem to be enlightened about the Covid Pandemic. More than the average person. 

I believe this is because all comedians are essentially writers. You have to have the ability to write jokes in your head. And in order to think of and write a good joke, you have to be able to look at things from lots of different angles. Think about how it is when you're watching stand up comedy, and the comedian says something really funny, and you're laughing because you're thinking, Hm, I never thought of it that way. Well, the reason the comedian thought of it that way is because they make that effort to look at things from lots of different angles. But a lot of people don't do that. I honestly think this is one of the biggest reasons why I was able to see things from the "anti vaxxer's" point of view. 

Some people reading this might think this theory of mine can't hold any weight. Because when you think of comedians, you think of the most notorious ones: Talk show hosts. Why is it that every single one of those comedians seems to be extremely PRO-VACCINE?

The answer should be obvious, but in case it isn't, let me remind you that the mainstream media is largely FUNDED by the Pharmaceutical industry. Those late night talk show comedians can no longer say whatever the heck they want, like a podscast host might be able to (some of them can have restrictions too, but not nearly as many). 

Have you noticed the difference between the really RICH comedians who make their millions from mainstream media outlets who are funded by vaccines, seem to have the opposite opinion?

If you don't already know how much money the mainstream media receives from Big Pharma, please check out the links below. Then, have a look at the videos further down the page, for a good chuckle from the comedians who haven't been bought!

And if you still believe the Mainstream Media gives you ALL the facts, have a look at the protests that were going on around the world. How much of this did you see, reported by the Network News? Probably not a lot, because they don't WANT you to know that there were FAR MORE people who were opposed to the vaccine mandates, than they wanted you to know about. 


(Note: You can see some of his hilarious pandemic comedy on THIS PAGE)



Rob Schneider

Whitney Cummings: RFK Jr. Must Be Doing Something Right

Whitney Cummings: RFK Jr. Must Be Doing Something Right

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