RFK talks about how the SUPREME COURT has backed up his "Conspiracy theories." Awesome. Then after that, he talks about how he believes Donald Trump really did want to drain the swamp... but how do you drain the swamp when you appoint someone FROM THE INDUSTRY? I transcribed a really good part of his speech, because what he said is so powerful.
Kennedy says:
"He brought in John Bolton to run the NSA, who is like The biggest swamp creature that's ever gone into Washington DC, and Mike Pompeo, to run the CIA and the State Department, who is the biggest promoter of Abilico's belligerent Militarized foreign policy, and a national surveillance state at home, than anybody.
He appointed Scott Gottlieb, a business partner of Pfizer, to run the FDA. And Gottlieb came in and did an 88 billion dollar of Pfizer, and then he left the FDA to join the Pfizer board and collect his payoff.
And if you look across all the agencies, the exact same thing with every one of them without any exception. It was all people who were there, taking a salary from us, while they profiteered.
And I'm not gonna do it that way. Cause I know how to unravel agency capture. When you sue an agency, when you litigate against them, you get a phD in what the problems are in that agency, and there's many of these agencies that I know, the individuals that need to be moved immediately. I understand the perverse agency systems that put agency capture on steroids.
Why is it that 50% of FDA's budget comes from Pharmaceutical companies? Why is it that NIH scientists who work on projects that they're regulating, get to keep royalties from those products? The Moderna vaccine just is one of many many thousands of examples that is owned by N.I.H.... so, N.I.H. is getting tens of billions of dollars from it, in royalties.
And there are six individuals at NIH who worked on that product, who are now getting $150,000 a year, FOREVER. Not for life... FOREVER. As long as MRNA products are on the market, they get that payoff. So these are the individuals who see job it is to look for problems with that product, to make sure that we don't get hurt.... You know, clearly, mercantile and commercial temptations are gonna overwhelm the regulatory functions of that agency.
And you know, these are people who are now paying for their mortgages, they're paying for their kids' education, they're paying for their boats, their alimony payments, etcetera... from the money they're getting from sales on the product. And the more money the product generates, the more money they make. So they're NOT looking for problems,... which is their job.... and I'm gonna END THAT."
GOD BLESS RFK JR!!! He is what this country desperately needs. More people need to know the truth about this guy. He cares about public health and children way more than any other candidate I've ever seen. Fingers and toes crossed he'll win.
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