Sunday, August 4, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy's Most Enthusiastic Supporters

Joe Rogan recently said RFK is the ONLY candidate that makes sense to him, and there are so many of us who feel the same way. True, Rogan has stated that he hasn't "officially" endorsed any particular candidate, which is understandable. Everyone should have the right to vote for whoever they want, and change their minds whenever they want.  

But given the fact that Trump is trying to humiliate Rogan for not endorsing him, and given how Joe is in the league of former democrats who are very frustrated with the state of the democratic party... I think it's pretty likely he'll vote for Kennedy. Whatever the case, we Kennedy supporters really appreciate his support and kind words for Kennedy, throughout his campaign! Thank you Joe Rogan!

Anthony Shriver is Robert F. Kennedy Jr's cousin, who worked with his mother to help start the Special Olympics. Shriver later went on to form Best Buddies. Many people don't realize RFK Jr. used to go to the Shriver's home to help support the kids in the Special Olympics, year after year. He has spent so much time volunteering for the organization, and his loyal cousin Anthony Shriver knows his heart and hasn't forgotten it!

All Eyes On Kennedy For President

Thanks to Adam Moreno for posting the video above.  He regularly covers RFK on YouTube, and his views are in alignment with many young, college-aged RFK supporters who are frustrated by the last 2 presidents who have driven up the national debt (and are sticking their generation with the bill!).  You can check out more videos from Adam Moreno's channel, HERE 

In Joe Rogan's interview, he talks about RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci, which is a big reason he "got off the fence" and realized RFK isn't the "bad guy" the Mainstream Media is making him out to be. He has done EXTENSIVE charitable work, and I will be making a page that shows how much he's done for Charity, soon. 

You can see a very impressive list of other books RFK Jr. has written, on THIS PAGE.


RFK Jr. Changed Me

Bret Weinstein: “Bobby Kennedy Is The Best Shot We’ve Got”

Joe Rogan and Coleman Hughes On Why RFK Jr. Is More Compelling Than Trump Or Biden

Coleman Hughes @coleman_hughes and @JoeRogan discuss why they find RFK Jr. more interesting and charismatic than Biden or Trump

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15 seconds

Joe Rogan: They Knew, But Still Lied

“They knew it – and they lied.” Joe Rogan weighs in on how Dr. Fauci and his public health officials colleagues deliberately misled the public about Covid’s origins and mandates during the pandemic.

RFK Jr.: Crypto Guru Charles Hoskinson Endorses RFK Jr.

Crypto guru and Cardano co-founder Charles Hoskinson (@charleshoskinsoncrypto) endorses RFK Jr., saying he’s the best person to back this November.


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