If you think voting for Kamala Harris is a vote to protect the rights of women... THINK AGAIN! And while you're reading this, please keep in mind that I am a lifelong Democrat who DID vote for Biden/Kamala. I am all for protecting women's rights. I'm one of the thousands of women who gathered in downtown San Francisco to protest after Trump was elected.
Believe me.I would love to want to vote for Kamala Harris. She paid tribute to my Great Great Aunt Inez, who died in World War I. I would love to see a female president, especially a woman of color. And I am all for protecting women's rights to reproductive health.
But I REFUSE to prioritize my rights as a woman, over my basic HUMAN rights to protect and maintain my own good health. And please keep in mind tht the Covid vaccines have been shown to drastically increase the risk for miscarriages in women. If you think that's some kind of conspiracy, just scroll down the page to see the SCIENCE behind it. One of the main place those spike proteins accumulate after an MRNA vaccine is in a woman's OVARIES. And she is still mandating this vaccine for her employees!
Those inexpensive, effective treatments that were proven to work, could have prevented the lockdowns, saved countless lives, and kept our government from going another eight trillion dollars into debt. I firmly believe NOBODY had to get Covid, because every single time I came down with Covid symptoms in the first two years of the pandemic, I was able to eradicate them very quickly, with powerful natural antivirals our ancestors have been using four thousands of years. These methods worked for the same reason Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine work. They can prevent viral fusion... but you have to take them quickly.
Kamala and Biden were absolutely reckless with their spending during the pandemic, and we're all paying for it. There's a reason we have skyrocketing inflation right now. You can't spend that much money and not have to pay for it later!
Kamala also lies... a LOT! Look at some of the fact checking that was done on her debate performance.
My jaw dropped when I saw this video about how she arrested the Mother of this poor girl who has sickle cell anemia, that caused her to have to miss ten percent of school And go to the hospital a lot. The girl had notes from doctors and all the administrators at school were well aware of her daughter's condition.... Yet Kamala actually had her Mom arrested, and wanted to make a spectacle of her as a mother who allowed her daughter to miss ten percent of school. Her picture in handcuffs appeared in the newspaper. She lost her job, couldn't pay her rent, and next thing you know, they were homeless. It caused her daughter a lot of stress, and she ended up having a stroke.
There's an interview with the girl in this video and you can see. She feels really bad because she feels like she was the cause of all this stuff happening to her mom, but she had doctor's notes and everything. There was no reason for her to feel bad. Then, in a news interview, she actually denied having any parents arrested for truancy!!! UNREAL. This video is a MUST SEE.
Another way the people in our country are paying for the Covid vaccines is with their health. Tony Fauci knew there was a good chance that the vaccines would cause Antibody Dependent Enhancement (A.D.E.), which means a vaccine can actually make you more susceptible to getting infected with a virus in the future. No wonder RFK Jr. wrote a whole book about him (and for anyone who doesn't already know this, he donated all the proceeds to charity).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree explain A.D.E. in the video below, but here is a transcript of what they said. Please keep in mind that RFK studies this kind of science as if he's trying to earn a medical degree, because that's how he's been able to win so many court cases.
“The government’s been trying for almost 30 years to develop a coronavirus vaccine and it’s been unsuccessful. And, beginning in 2002, there were 3 outbreaks of coronavirus, we called them SARS at that point, and MERS, and the first SARS was a natural illness that jumped from a bat to human beings. The second two were lab-created and had escaped and infected human beings.
And so the governments of China and a consortium of western governments all got together and put millions and millions of dollars into an effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine. And between 2002 and 2012, 2014 they worked very hard to do that.
And what happened is, they developed about 35 vaccines, and 4 of them were really promising. They chose the 4 most promising, and they gave them to ferrets, which is the animal that is most analogous to human beings when it comes to upper lung / respiratory infections. The ferrets had a brilliant, robust and durable antibody response. But then, something horrible happened. When those ferrets were challenged, when they were exposed to the wild virus, they got horribly sick. They got inflammation throughout their bodies, and they died.
And the scientists remembered that something very similar had happened in the 1960s where there was, where they had developed a vaccine for RSV, which is very similar to coronavirus, it’s an upper respiratory infection ailment. They had skipped the animals and given them directly to 35 children, and the children, again, had developed a very robust antibody response. But when those children were exposed to the wild virus, they got very very sick, much sicker than unvaccinated children, and two of those kids had died. It was a scandal.
And they realized, when the same thing happened with the ferrets, that there was something that they called “enhanced immune response.” It’s also called pathogenic priming. And what it means, is that when you get the vaccine, it appears that you have an antibody response, but when you actually encounter the wild virus, you become much sicker, and it actually creates a pathway that that virus hurts you a lot more than with unvaccinated people.
So this was 2012. In 2014, the NIH, under Fauci, developed a dengue vaccine, which had some signals in it that there was pathogenic priming. In other words, in the clinical trials, they saw some signs that you could get an antibody response but get much sicker, when you were exposed, but they ignored them. They gave it to the Phillippines, and they gave hundreds of thousands of children this vaccine, and when the dengue came around, those children became horribly ill, and 600 of them died. In the Philippines today, people are being criminally prosecuted for that.
So, the danger of the coronavirus vaccine is, you really need to test them on animals first, to make sure whatever the vaccine is, that we don’t get that really great immune response, followed by lethal infections. And it’s very very strange to me, and it almost seems criminally reckless, that Anthony Fauci is allowing these companies to skip animal trials and go directly to human trials."
Del Bigtree:
"I think if you think about it, too, what he’s talking about, how dangerous that is. Every scientist involved with this will say we don’t know why these antibody immune enhancement reactions happen. They don’t know why it happens. So, imagine that you have 100 companies right now, in this amazing race to make a vaccine, that could literally make them about 750 billion dollars, if they win it. But what happens if they’re testing it on a virus, right, they're going after a specific virus, but now we have 30 mutations already, of coronavirus, some of them very significant changes in the protein.
What happens if you made a vaccine that actually gets over this problem, that they know is a problem, that Tony Fauci is saying publicly, there’s a chance that this could make people more sick, so that we have to be very careful. What happens if they think they got around it, right, and they put out the vaccine. Bill Gates gets his wish, and Tony Fauci, everyone’s forced to take it around the world. Then all of a sudden, a mutation comes around, and we start seeing it trigger this antibody immune enhancement in people that are vaccinated.
Only problem now, if we’ve all got this vaccine, and now we’re not having a .1 to .3 percent death rate, it’s 20% or 30%, people are having the same issue as the ferrets. You could honestly wipe out our species with a vaccine that was rushed to market, that didn’t do proper safety testing. And that’s exactly what they’re describing this as. They’re putting 2 of the most dangerous words together, in every article, about this vaccine. Rushing, and Science. Those 2 words should never be in a sentence together!
This is the video... and for anyone thinking, "This can't be true, how could the mainstream media be LYING to us?" Remember, these newscasters don't think of it as lying. They're not allowed to go off-script. If you really want proof that the mainstream media isn't showing you some of the biggest things going on in the world, look at the MASSIVE PROTESTS that took place worldwide, during the lockdowns. How come they didn't report these massive protests on the news? People have a tendency to follow the masses, so the last thing they want you to do is see the number of people opposing the vaccine mandates is a lot bigger than you may have realized.
If Kamala Harris wins, we may have more mandatory vaccines and lockdowns, which means more media coverage, and the money will just keep pouring right into the mainstream media, and the cycle will just continue. Robert Kennedy Jr. is the only candidate who is completely committed to ENDING this corruption, and he would literally give his own life in order to do it. Keep in mind that, by running for president, RFK is literally putting his life on the line... especially during a time when the secret service seems to have some serious security flaws!
Women in Crisis at the Border
LOOK at what is happening to women and little girls, because of Kamala's complete disregard for the border crisis. For anyone who doesn't believe that she was put in charge of the border, have a look at this page that shows all the major network news agencies that announced she was, indeed, the new BORDER CZAR!
Border patrol agents are literally killing themselves at alarming rates, because they feel like they have NO control over the complete atrocities that are going on at our Southern border. Look at this video of a border patrol agent, wailing in disgust, while he shows a whole box of discarded undergarments (some ripped) from women and children who are consistently being RAPED and sex trafficked, soon after they cross the border. This box of women's clothing is what was collected in just 24 hours, and they just keep piling up, as Kamala campaigns for Joy, Joy and more Joy!
Seriously, how could this woman be so out-of-touch, to have that kind of campaign slogan, when these rapes are happening, inflation is out of control, Fentanyl doses are so common we're being shown commercials for Naloxone, and California is a crime scene. One of the San Francisco 49ers just got shot during an attempted robbery in Union Square, but that's just how it is these days.
Border Patrol Finding Bras, Panties & Women's Clothing At The Border
Kamala Harris Is A False Prophet of Joy
Three border patrol agent have committed suicide in three weeks | Brandon Judd
This video below was just about impossible for me to find on YouTube, but it's easy if you go to a site that doesn't promote censorship, like BitChute, Brighteon or Rumble.
Democrat activist who volunteered at the DNC BLASTS the Democratic Party 🔥
The Distraction of Project 25
So many women are up in arms about Project 2025, and I get it. I am definitely opposed to that one, too! But you should know that Kennedy does NOT support it, and he described it as a horror show. And Trump expressed similar disdain, telling Kennedy in private that it was written by a "Right Wing A**hole." He got accused of trying to implement it before he even knew what it was! You can read more about that, on THIS PAGE.
Like I said, I am opposed to Project 25, but the thing I'm opposed to even more, is the media's ability to weaponize it as a HUGE DISTRACTION to get us to ignore everything else that's going on.
I have a friend who once got robbed while she was on a crowded bus. and the people who did it used The Power of Distraction.
My friend got on a bus where the passengers were packed in like sardines. A woman kept pushing up against her. She turned around to look at the woman to give her a dirty look, but when she did, another guy (who was her partner in crime) stole her wallet. She was so distracted by the pushy lady, she didn't even notice when a guy stuck his whole hand right own her backpack! Someone on the bus saw it all go down, and told my friend what happened, but it was too late, the thieves quickly got off the bus.
It feels like that is what the mainstream media is doing to us, with Project 2025. It feels like they're using it as bait to distract us from the fact that there are WAY bigger issues that we should be focused on, at a time we're about to have the biggest election in history.
Women are strong and resilient by nature. We have to be, since we are designed to have babies and take care of them.
In my entire life, I have never, ever been worried about someone taking away my rights to h ave an abortion. Why? Because we modern women have access to over a different types of birth control! You can literally use 3 types of protection to keep from getting pregnant. It's not as if there's nothing we can do!
In addition to that, women have been using herbs to prevent pregnancy, for thousands of years. There are many different types of herbs that can act as an abortifacent. The reason they work is because, in order for an embryo to continue to develop, you need to have a normal level of progesterone. Without that, a fetus cannot continue to develop. I know someone who had an accidental miscarriage the day after taking 5,000 mg. of vitamin C in her 6th week of pregnancy. She found out too late that the mega-dose drastically altered her progesterone levels, preventing the pregnancy from continuing. This is NOT medical advice... please do your own research on Vitamin C, but be sure not to settle for a "light google search"... because that can leave you thinking exactly what the pharmaceutical industry WANTS you to think!
If you do a google search on whether or not vitamin C can terminate a pregnancy, the first page of google will be filled with entries that say no, it's not possible (and they just happen to point you to a pharmaceutical drug, instead). But keep in mind, studies are often manipulated to give a false impression. Articles like this one on healthline can easily steer people away from the safest and least expensive thing that could possibly work really well. The people who do these studies often WANT us to read them and go, "Oh, OK, I guess I shouldn't do that, after all," knowing most readers won't be likely to dig any further.
But if you take the time to look at a study in detail, you will likely find a lot of flaws. Always ask yourself, "What am I not being shown?" And you can easily find out that the method would have worked, if they had just changed one tiny little thing in the study. But of course, most people don't know that. They just read the study and assume they're not being misled. They know that most women are really busy, and don't have time to do a whole lot of research these days, so they just accept what they're being told.
NEVER ASSUME. Keep in mind that studies cost a LOT of money to do, and they're usually being paid for by someone who wants to make their money back, so they're looking for a particular outcome, before the study even begins.
They did that to us with hydroxychloroquine. Did you know that those studies that were used, to make us think hydroxychloroquine was dangerous, were intentionally manipulated? The amount that was used in human studies was enough to kill an elephant. Somehow our pharma-funded mainstream media never bothered to tell us about that part!
There was so much corruption around Hydroxychloroquine, it was insane. For anyone who doesn't already know this, it would be illegal for the Covid vaccines to have gotten EUA approval if it was found that there was already a safe and effective way to beat Covid. My blog posts about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin BOTH got DELETED from my blog! Luckily someone found the pages had been archived on the Wayback Machine. You can find the links on this page.
From this page:
Not long after the COVID crisis began, the mainstream media began reporting that Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous, and caused heart attacks.
Dr. Vladiir Zelenko pointed out how there was a "tremendous amount of academic fraud" regarding the drug. He said, "The academic peer review process has lost all legitimacy." (You can see a post about how MANY peer-reviewed papers are shown to be biased, by clicking HERE).
"The Lancet study reported a meta-analysis of 96,000 patients... it showed that Hydroxychloroquine kills people. The World Healthcare Organization (which has accepted $3.4 billion in donations from the Gates Foundation) took that paper, and made a global moratorium, on the use and research of HCQ. "
"But as it turns out that entire data set was fraud, it didn't exist. The Lancet, in the biggest scandal and embarrassment in the history of science, had to retract the paper... it was less valuable than used toilet paper. It was absolute fraud. They had to retract the paper. If you look at the recovery trial, sponsored by Oxford University (which has accepted $243 million in donations from the Gates Foundation), they concluded that hydroxychloroquine killed 25% of the patients that were taking it. Well you know, that was true, but one little detail... they used 2400 mg of hydroxychloroquine per day, per patient. That's enough to kill an elephant. I was advocating for 400 mg. per day. They were using t6 times the amount I was recommending."
This video is a MUST-SEE. You can see the politics and corruption behind the suppression of Hydroxychloroquine, which likely led to the death of half a million Americans. The Emergency Use Authorization's wording for Hydroxychloroquine was very confusing, creating an artificial obstacle for its use.
How is it that there are SO many women who are appalled at the idea of us not being able to terminate a pregnancy, but these same women have no problem with pushing mandatory vaccines on people, when they weren't even proven to be safe or effective!
When you get injected with a covid vaccine, your body starts to suddenly manufacture spike proteins. They're growing and growing and growing inside you, beyond your control, with no way to stop it. And it can cause serious side effects, and deaths. And many babies were injured (scroll further down the page to see videos).
How in the world are women perfectly ok with THAT, while they feel it's extremely important to keep a BABY from growing inside your body?
Of course, if a woman is raped, or if there is a special circumstance where a woman's life was being endangered by a pregnancy she was not allowed to terminate, I would join the ranks of protesting women who would bang down the hospital doors, to help protect her life and her rights.
But I know there are a LOT of women out there who just see abortion as another form of birth control, and that's a little harder to digest when there are sooo many other ways to prevent a pregnancy from developing.
Also please consider the fact that the Covid vaccines have been shown to harm a woman's REPRODUCTIVITY.
Shouldn't we be as concerned with protecting our rights to HAVE children, as we are to NOT have them? Please have a look at some of the videos and information below... (WARNING, it's pretty shocking). And also keep in mind these videos were made while all this stuff was happening during the BIDEN/HARRIS administration!
Think Vaccines are PROVEN SAFE for PREGNANT WOMEN - Or ANY Women Who Want To Have Kids? The Evidence is Saying: NO!!!!!
In December 2017, the World Health Organization hosted the Global 20 year anniversary for the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety.
Del Bigtree and ICAN's lawyer, Aaron Siri, attended the After Del Bigtree and his Nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sued the CDC, they admitted they could not find a single trial or records that showed vaccines are safe for pregnant women. And yet, people continued to believe it was safe, simply because the CDC "said so." To see a whole page with videos that show how corrupt the CDC really is, please CLICK HERE.
Please have a look at this video below... it's pretty shocking.
OBGYN and Best-Seling Author Dr. Christiane Northrup talks about how pregnant women who've gotten the COVID vaccine before 20 weeks have a 7 to 8x chance of having a miscarriage! In this video, you can also see how a funeral director says he's never seen so many deaths in children.
Dr. Northrup talks about Syncytin binding, which is important to learn about if you want to understand why these vaccines right be causing miscarriages. CLICK HERE to see a page about Syncytin binding.
Vaccines that use human fetal cells draw fire
SCIENCE12 JUN 2020 : 1170-1171
In this video below, you can see that the FDA clearly knew that there was serious potential for damage to fetuses in pregnant women! No wonder they were asking to be given decades, to reveal what they knew. You can learn more about the corruption that goes on in the FDA, by CLICKING HERE (just a warning, it might be upsetting to look at SLIDE 16 - the side effects they knew about)
After looking at how much the spike proteins are concentrated in the Ovaries, Bret Weinstein says it looks like these vaccines are "not safe for women at all!"
Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaxxed Mothers - Dr. Daniel Nagase
400,000 COVID VACCINE ABORTIONS - Military Data Confirms 300% Increase in miscarriages. Stew Peters with Steve Kirsch
Nurse shows a letterfrom their hospital's president and CEO, dated August 5th, recommending they VACCINATE THE PATIENTS WHO ARE MEDICALLY EXEMPT, even if the patient is PREGNANT or HAS AN ALLERGY.
Keep in mind that CDC says the use of vaccines in pregnant women is considered to be OFF LABEL.
Dr. Madej discusses how one of the ingredients in the COVID vaccines has been used to sterilize people.
Dr. Humphries says, in this video, that there was a study where pregnant women were clearly affected by a vaccine in a negative way...
Stephanie Dias Whitmore – Pfizer 1st Dose 13th September, 2nd Dose 4th October 2021
This is part of a post by A Midwestern Doctor, a great writer on Substack, who wrote a very long, detailed account of the vaccine injuries they had seen (or heard of from friends or associates) in the last year. You can see the full post by CLICKING HERE.
Miscarriage and Menstrual Issues:
While frequently reported online, alongside major menstrual changes, no one I know has shared a case of anyone they having a miscarriage following vaccination.
One of my good friends (a health care provider I’ve known for 8 years) told me she has a friend a coworker who both had their babies suddenly stop growing after the vaccine. In one case, it required her to be induced at 32 weeks to deliver. In the other case, the baby went from being normal weight to in the bottom 1% and they lost the pregnancy. Due to the sensitivity of the issue, she was not able to get more specifics on either. Two other people I know shared some cases of miscarriages happening with me, but I think these came from groups they belonged to for expectant mothers who shared their story rather than someone they knew personally.
A lot of people (either for themselves or close friends) have shared stories of extremely abnormal menstrual changes immediately following vaccination (ie. older woman who had stopped menstruating previous started having severe painful bleeding). As there have been so many, I haven’t logged them. I also spoke with a female acupuncturist recently who said the majority of adverse effects from the vaccine she had seen in patient were major changes in the menstrual cycle and she had 8-10 women (including ones of older ages) in her practice with this issue.
As far as I can tell, menstrual irregularities is one of the 5 most common side effects of the vaccine, and I believe it arises from the mRNA vaccines accumulating in the ovaries (this came from a FOIA from Japan), as the ovaries regulate menstruation.
Birth Defects:
Severe-(Good friend I have known for the last 12 years)-My friend is a 30 year old female with no medical issues besides some musculoskeletal issues. She is a very pro-vaccine and received the J&J vaccine when she was 2 months pregnant. Immediately after she received the vaccine, she became acutely ill and developed hives. Later in her pregnancy, she received a prenatal ultrasound that showed her baby only had 1 kidney. As the kidneys form between 5 weeks to 12 weeks of gestation, there is a distinct possibly the J&J vaccine was teratogenic (especially given that the renal vasculature appears to be one of the tissues the spike proteins target as it has ACE2 receptors and so forth).
Stew Peters Show: 82% of Pregnant Women in ‘Vaccine’ Study Lost Pregnancy – Globalists Have Switch, Will SHUT YOU OFF
Full Show - 7/3/21
JULY 2, 2021
You can see more on this page:
Why RFK Speaks Up About The Importance of Vaccine SAFETY
To really understand who RFK is, and to see why he began advocating for vaccine safety, please watch this video below, "Who is Bobby Kennedy?" (If you click on the image below, you will be redirected to https://whoisbobbykennedy.com/)
This is the Who is Bobby Kennedy Documentary, embedded directly from Youtube below. Please note that YouTube sometimes deletes videos, so if it disappears, you may be able to field it on Bitchute.com, Rumble.com, Banned.video, Odyssee.com or Brighteon.com. Or just go to WhoIsBobbyKennedy.com, since they will surely update the video if the youtube version has been deleted,
RFK is so well informed about vaccines, he is able to explain many facts that people were completely unaware of. He and all of his children have been fully vaccinated. He isn't saying people shouldn't protect themselves or each other, and he also hasn't said that no one should get vaccinated. But he has understandable concerns over vaccines that haven't been proven to be safe, because he's seen, first-hand, how much harm they've done to babies, children, and adults.
Ask yourself the question: If you had spoken with thousands of parents who said their children were fine until they were vaccinated... do you really think you would be able to maintain a different stance than the one RFK Jr. has?
Sadly, the risks of vaccines often outweigh the benefits, and many people don't take the time to do a risk-benefit analysis! It would be one thing if vaccines were our only option, but they are not. Look at how many different treatments are available for Covid, but the CDC continues to act as if they are our ONLY option. Sadly, you cannot trust your doctor or pharmacist to tell you about all the potential side effects, when there's a good chance they don't even know what they are. Doctors get VERY LITTLE education about vaccines, in medical school.
This video is not of RFK, but it's worth watching. Dr. Paul Thomas explains that the flu vaccine contains very high levels of thimerosal, and if a pregnant woman gets one of these vaccines, a fetus, in its very fragile developmental stage, can get about 800 times the amount of mercury that's considered the safe limit for an adult! It may also be worth noting that RFK Jr recently discovered that his vocal chord injury (spasmodic dysphonia) is likely to have been caused by a flu vaccine he got in his 40s. If you don't believe that's possible, look at this study on the NIH's website.
If you still believe there's nothing wrong with mercury being put in vaccines, you should watch the documentary Trace Amounts, below this video.
Please note that it can take afor Bitchute videos to load. If you see a gray screen, please give it up to half a minute. Some of the best videos (that have been censored by YouTube) are on Bitchute and other alternative platforms, which don't have as much money behind them (so they may take longer to load), but the wait is worth it!
Trace Amounts: A Documentary about the toxic side effects of Mercury in Vaccines
Here's the transcript from the Town Hall Meeting with Elizabeth Vargas (shown above).
In this discussion, Kennedy does a great job in explaining why he feels it’s imperative to insist that we develop SAFE vaccines. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that all vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, RFK is a HUGE threat to the pharmaceutical industry. This also makes him a huge threat to the massive funding the mainstream media receives. Because the pharmaceutical industry will never be able to come up with a vaccine that’s safe (at least, not without losing a whole lot of cash flow). So they do whatever they can to make RFK Jr. look bad, bad, bad.
EV: Mr Kennedy one of the biggest controversies surrounding your candidacy is your stance on childhood vaccines. Nearly every scientific and medical organization including the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the American Academy of of Pediatrics all say you're wrong on this issue. This leads us to our very first question from our audience. It’s Dr. Tariq Butt, who specializes….
RFK: I would ask you one thing… on what issue?
EV: On childhood vaccines
RFK: What about them?
EV: ....And whether they ever cause Autism, or damage kids. They all say these vaccines have saved millions of lives.
RFK: That they never damage kids?
EV: I don’t think anybody has ever said they never have. There might be a child here, but overall, all those organizations say vaccines are safe and have saved millions and millions of lives. But let’s get to our audience question from Dr. Butt.
DR.TB: Good evening. Eradication of chicken pox and polio, from the US and many parts of the world, os a direct result of regular vaccines. Measles, Mumps, Rubella and many diseases are preventable, and there’s little to no evidence of these diseases in vaccinated populations. Your vaccine stance is being (a) risk to the health and well being of millions. Medical experts are deeply concerned about your message. How can we help you to come to the side of science?
RFK: Now… what was the question, how can you help me come to my senses? (Audience laughs)
DR.TB: No, you are a very smart person.
RFK: I think most people don’t know what my stance is on vaccines. I’ve never been anti-vaccine, and I’ve said that hundreds and hundreds of times but it doesn’t matter, because that is a way of silencing me. My position on vaccines is I think virtually every American would agree with my stance on vaccines which is that vaccines should be tested, like other medicines. It should be safety tested, and unfortunately, the vaccines are not safety tested, they’re not… of the 72 vaccines doses now mandated, essentially mandated - recommended, but they’re really mandated - for American children, none of them, not one, has ever been subject to a pre-licensing, placebo-controlled trial.
EV: Yes they have.
RFK: No.
EV: Yes they have.
RFK: OK let me just say something. Dr. Fauci and many other people for many years said this, and yet, Bobby Kennedy says that, he’s wrong. So, I met with Dr. Fauci, in 2016. I agreed to go on Trump’s Vaccine Safety Commission, and I was with Aaron Siri and Lynn Redwood, and they said to him, can you show us ONE test, from any vaccine, pre-licensing, safety test. And he said, “I’ll send it to you, I can’t find one now.” He never did, so we sued him. Aaron Siri and I sued HHS, and after a year of litigation and stonewalling, they said that they could not provide a single safety study for any vaccine that is on the childhood schedule pre-licensing safety study.
So, anybody who wants to read that, can go to my website, to the Children’s Health Defense website, and you can read HHS’s admission that not a single one has ever been safety tested, pre-licensing. Now, what I’ve said is, other medicines are required to do that. And we should have to do that for vaccines. If I’m wrong, show me the test. Show me the study. You won’t be able to, cause there are none. That means that we don’t know what the long-term risks are, the risk profile of those products.
And I’ll give you... you had mentioned chicken pox. So, when CDC was thinking of recommending this chicken pox vaccine as mandating it for children, they did a study and the scientist they hired to do that study was a scientists called Gary Goldman, a contract scientist.
And he did the study in an isolated place in California called Antelope Valley, a long term study. And what they find is, if you give the chicken pox vaccine, mass vaccinate with chicken pox, it stops chicken pox, but it causes shingles epidemics, later on. Which are 20 times more deadly as chicken pox.
So, nevertheless, despite those studies, we mandate (DPT) for American children in this country. In Europe, they don’t. If you go to the British National Health Service website right now you can read on that where they say, we do not recommend Chicken Pox vaccines because it causes Shingles epidemics, later on. And that’s the problem. You can’t just look at… you know… you can say that this product is going to prevent this particular disease but you have to look at the long term impacts… you know, vaccines like other medicines, have injuries that have long term long diagnostic horizons, and long incubation periods, so that if you do not do long-term studies on them, placebo-controlled studies, comparing vaccinated populations to unvaccinated populations, you won’t do it.
Let me just give you one quick other example. The most popular vaccine in the world is the DTP vaccine - Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis. We got rid of it in this country because it was causing injuries, severe brain injuries or death, to one in every 300 children. We used it in the 80s, and that’s why there was all this litigation against vaccine companies, that precipitated the passage of the vaccine act, that then gave them immunity from liability.
But, in Europe they don’t use it. In America, they don’t use it, but they give it to 161 million African children a year. So, Bill Gates asked the Danish Government to support that program and said it saved 30 million lives. The Danish Govermnent said, “Show us the data.” He wasn’t able to. So, they went to Africa, and did their own studies. And they looked at 30 years of DTP data, and what they found, shocked them all. They found that girls who got the DTP were dying at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls, but they were dying of things that nobody had ever associated with the vaccine. They were dying of Diptheria, Malaria, Anemia, Bilheartzia, Pulmonary disease, respiratory disease and pneumonia. And nobody noticed for 30 years, that it was the vaccinated girls, and not the unvaccinated girls, that were dying. And what had happened was, these girls were not dyng of Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis. The vaccine had protected them against those, but it had also ruined their immune systems. And they were unable to defend themselves against other, just minor diseases, that other kids, who had hearty immune systems, were able to fend off. So, that’s why you need these long term studies, and that’s why I’m worried that we don’t do that here in the United States.
Dr. TB: And we do have evidence of that, like, there are clinical trials, randomized trials, and there’s a difference between, association and causation, right? Somebody can take a medication and get involved in a motor vehicle accident,
RFK: Of course...
Dr. TB: It doesn’t mean, that it was associated, but it’s not caused by medication, unless we get to the bottom of it, so….many times, we should continue to figure out ways, to, you know, for the safety of vaccines, of course, and medical community is always looking for that…
(Kennedy accidentally drops a cup of water… or throws up? It’s hard to tell which…he whispers Whoops… sorry)
Dr. TB: But at the same time, we can really come to agreement that vaccines are important, they do prevent those diseases, after all, you know, Smallpox was in the world, you know, all around the world. It’s not there anymore. So, there is evidence of that.
RFK: But then there’s diseases, you know, when we passed the vaccine act, when I was a kid there was only 3 vaccines, and I was compliant. But when we passed the vaccine act, and made vaccines very, very valuable, and all of a sudden there was a goldrush to add a lot of new vaccines to the schedule, for diseases that aren’t even casually contagious, like Rotavirus, like Hepatitis B. Why are we giving Hepatitis B vaccine to a 1-day-old child? Hepatitis B… you know, the major vectors for that, are, is, sexually transmitted, or by needles. Why would you give that to a 1-day-old child? It’s really a profit motive.
Now, you’re right, that correlation is not causation, but the Institute of Medicine has looked at the vaccine schedule, and said, in their 2011 report, there are over 150 injuries that are likely to be associated with vaccines, that have never been studied. So it’s the CDC’s responsibility to do those studies, and they’ve been ordered again and again and again to do them, and they have refused. And that’s wrong. We need an agency that is putting public health first, and not pharmaceutical profits.
You were talking about the Opioid crisis. The Opioid crisis started with the Oxycodone, now it’s, you know, Fentanyl. But, the company… the same companies, that got the FDA to lie to us, about the addiction, the addictiveness, lie to every doctor in this country, about the addictiveness of Oxycodone, and get a whole generation addicted, those are the same companies that make these other products.
And the four pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines in this country - Merck, Sonovia, Glaxo and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, over the past decade, for lying to doctors, for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators. And we need to keep an eye on em. We can’t just trust them. If they say it’s a vaccine, you know, we all trust it. But we need to have actual science on it. And… that’s all I say. I don’t want to get rid of vaccines. If you want to take a vaccine, you should be able to do it. But we need good science. And that’s all I’ve asked for.
EV: But so… what….what do you say to people, I mean it sounds like you’re saying that every scientist, every government, I mean, our government, pretty much governments around the world, doctors like Dr. Butt, are all lying about vaccines.
RFK: I never said anything like that.
EV: Listen, the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and FDA, says, and as a matter of fact, on its website, you can clearly see, vaccines are, they go through 3 stages of the FDA testing, against double blind placebos, they already do that testing.
RFK: Elizabeth… you can say that, but I’m telling you…
EV: I’m not saying that, the FDA is saying that.
RFK: No, the FDA is not saying that, because…
EV: Yes they do, on their website.
RFK: They will not tell you that there’s any vaccine that has undergone a long-term, placebo controlled prior to licensure, they will not, because it’s not true. And you know, you can go to my website and see where HHS says, yeah, there are none.
EV: Well, they’re competing websites saying different things.
RFK: Let me say this. You know… I’m not saying the AMA is lying or the doctors are lying. What I’m saying is the FDA does lie. And the FDA lied to us about Vioxx. They knew that the Vioxx was causing heart attacks, but they let doctors believe that it was a medicine that was good, beneficial, for headaches and arthritis, without telling them that they were going to kill them. And they ended up between 120,000 and 500,000…
EV: But all these doctors and all these scientists around the world who say vaccines are safe and have saved millions and millions of lives.
RFK: The same people said that Vioxx was safe. The same people said that opioids, that Oxycodone was not addictive, because the FDA said it, and they believed them. And that’s the problem, we have a corrupt federal agency that’s lying to the AMA, you know, to all those agencies, and all of the doctors, and they believe them. But all of those agencies are controlled by Pharma. That is the problem, and that’s what I’m trying to end as president.
EV: You know that your own family doesn’t support… many members of your own family, doesn’t support your position on vaccines. Your brother, your sister and your niece have all written an editorial, saying, on vaccines, Bobby is wrong. His work on vaccines is having heartbreaking consequences. What’s your response? Your own family thinks you’re wrong on this.
RFK: (turns to Elizabeth directly and looks her dead in the eye) Does your family agree with everything that you say?
EV: Definitely not. You got me on that one!
Kennedy Jr.: This book is going to scare a lot of people.
What You Need to Know About Vaccines - If you don't already know
This is an excellent debate where you can see Dr. Robert F. Kennedy teaching Alan Dershowitz a whole bunch of Vaccine facts he didn't seem to be aware of. Alan Dershowitz actually seemed grateful for the new information!
According to Robert Kennedy, today's vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. And from the research I've done, it seems that he has good reason for saying this. CLICK HERE to see more about why vaccines are classified as UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE, and why our government has the right to lie to us about their safety and efficacy!
We used to get 3 vaccines. Nowadays, kids have to get 72 vaccines, just to stay in school.
We started this discussion by talking about how do you avoid the whole discussion about mandating vaccines? The way that you do that is you have a transparent process where people see that the vaccine is going to be tested, they see that it's tested fairly against a placebo, that there's long-term tests that are going to be evidenced by all of these difficulties and and that it's transparent and open and yet, what we've seen from the current group of covet vaccines is none of that's happening. They're skipping keys key parts of the test.
The Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing altogether. When they came to human testing, they tested it on 45 people, they had a high-dose group of 15 people, a medium dose group 15 people, and a low dose growth group of people. In the low dose group one of the people got so sick from the vaccine, they had to be hospitalized. That's six percent. In the high dose group three people got so sick they had to be hospitalized. That's twenty percent. They're going ahead and making two billion doses of that vaccine.
And by the way the people that they test them on alan are not typical Americans. They use what they call exclusionary criteria. They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they're doing to the healthiest people. If you look at their exclusionary idea you cannot be pregnant you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can't suffer asthma, you can't have diabetes, you can't have rheumatoid arthritis, or any autoimmune disease, there has to be no history of seizure in your family.
These are the people they're testing the vaccine on but that's not who they're going to give them to. What happens if.. these people are like the Avengers! They're like Superman, you can shoot them with a bullet and they won't go down. What happens when they give them to the typical American? You know, Sally six-pack and Joe bag of Donuts who's 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes? What is going to happen then? You're not going to see 20 percent. You're going to see a lot of people dropping dead. These people lost consciousness. They had to go to hospital, they had huge fevers and they're the healthiest people in the world. So any other medicine, Alan, that had that kind of profile in its original phase, one study would be DOA.
The problem is, Anthony Fauci put 500 million dollars of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent. He has five guys working for him, who are entitled to collect royalties from that. So you have a corrupt system, and now they've got a vaccine that is too big to fail. And instead of saying hey this was a terrible terrible mistake, they're saying: "We are going to order 2 billion doses of this!"
And you've got to understand, Alan, with these COVID vaccines, these companies are playing with house money. They're not spending anything on it, and they have NO liability. So if they kill 20 people or 200 people, 2 000 people in their clinical trials, big deal they have zero liability! And guess what, if wasted money their money because we're giving them the money to play with. People like me and people in our community are looking at this process and we're saying whatever comes out of that process we don't want to take it because we're seeing how the sausage gets made and it's really sickening. No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has.
Here's what they find. The CDC said the flu vaccine is 35 percent effective, that's what they claim. The Cochrane Collaboration said NO. You have to give 100 flu shots to prevent one case of flu.
And in fact, the senior scientist at CDC, today, the Senior vaccine safety scientist, who's still at CDC, he was the senior scientist there for 18 years, he is the author or co-author on all of the major studies that the CDC has produced on vaccine safety, and particularly the studies that shows that vaccine that does not cause autism. His name is Dr. William Thompson. 3 years ago, he came forward and said we have been ordered to fake all the science for the last decade, on Autism. And he said, in fact, we were in the major study which is called Distemino 2004, it's the most latest study on this study subject on Pubmed. He said in that study we found out that black boys who get the MMR vaccine had a 363% greater risk of getting an autism diagnosis than black boys who waited, after 3-6 months. He said he was ordered to come into a conference room with all that data, with his 4 other co-authors, by their CDC boss Frank Destefano, who then ordered them to destroy that data, in front of him, in CDC headquarters, and then publish that study, saying there is no effect.
The vaccine act gave vaccine companies blanket immunity from liability.
Vaccines have another exemption that most people don't know about: They are the only medical product that does not have to be safety tested against a placebo. And that exemption is an artifact of CDC's legacy as the public health service, which was a quasi-military agency which is why people at CDC have military ranks like surgeon general, and they wear uniforms.
The vaccine program was conceived as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country and they wanted to make sure that if the Russians attacked us in the biological age and Anthrax or something like that we could quickly formulate a vaccine and and deploy it to 200 million american civilians without regulatory impediments.
They said if we call it a medicine we're going to have to test it and that takes five years double-blind placebo testing, so let's call it something else. We'll call it a biologic and we'll exempt biologics from safety testing. So not a single one of the vaccines that 72 vaccines now our children have ever been tested against a placebo.
And I in fact sued HHS in 2016 and said show me any placebo studies that you have for any vaccines, and they were unable to do so. None of them have been tested it and you don't have to sue them like I did. Anybody can go on their cell phone and look up manufacturers' inserts. Hepatitis B vaccine, Gardisil vaccine, polio vaccine. You know how many days the current polio vaccine... you know how many days it was safety tested for, Alan? 48 hours.
The hepatitis B vaccine, the Glaxo version was four days. The Merck version was 5 days. That means that if the baby they gave that to had a seizure on day six it never happened, if the baby died on day six, it never happened. If the baby got food allergies that were diagnosed two years later it never happened. If the baby got autism which is not diagnosed till four years of age, 4.2 years of age it never happened. Autoimmune diseases? You cannot see those if you have short-term studies, and you can't see any risk if you don't test against the placebo. And my question is nobody knows because of that nobody knows risk profile or any vaccine that is currently on the schedule and that means nobody can say with any scientific certainty that vaccine is averting more injuries and deaths than it's causing. And my question is how in the heck can we be mandated to children that they take a medical product for which we do not know the risks, and to me, that is criminal.
‘A Very Dangerous Medical Experiment’: CDC Expands Vaccine Schedules for Kids, Pregnant Women and Most Adults
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its 2024 vaccine schedules, which include at least 76 total doses of 18 vaccines for children 0-18. Experts criticized the expanded schedule for the lack of safety or efficacy testing of vaccines.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending more vaccines and vaccine doses across the board for children, pregnant women and adults, according to the agency’s 2024 immunization schedule.
The updated schedule triggered a flurry of news and reactions in recent days. However, the CDC released the updated schedule in September — months earlier than usual, to speed up insurance payments for newly recommended vaccines, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported.
The 2024 schedules include newly authorized recommendations for preventing COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu and pneumococcal disease.
“This amounts to nothing more than a very dangerous medical experiment foisted on America’s infants and children,” said Brian Hooker, Ph.D., senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and co-author of “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak.”
Hooker told The Defender the CDC has never tested the efficacy or the safety of the entire childhood vaccination schedule.
Integrative physician Dr. Mary Kelly Sutton told The Defender, “The CDC continues to function as a powerful promoter of vaccines, not as a protector of public health.”
According to Sutton, who lost her license in three states for writing eight vaccine exemptions in California before the pandemic, there is little evidence of vaccines’ effectiveness and a lack of officially accepted research on their adverse effects. She said:
“The CDC could give wise guidance on vaccines but has so far accepted ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] approvals without studies. Universally, vaccines lack true placebo controls, and recently, lack human trials of any kind.
“The sad truth is pharma money rules the CDC, and the American people (and the world) are deceived and placed at risk.”
Commenting on the expanded vaccine schedule, Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician and co-author of “What’s Making our Children Sick?” told The Defender, “It’s an outrage. It’s not necessary, and they’re hurting our children.”
Perro criticized the financial incentives offered to doctors to vaccinate as many people as possible, and the reprisals against doctors for writing exemptions.
Childhood (0-18) vaccine schedule
After carefully reviewing the new CDC schedules, CHD’s science team determined the likely minimum number for children ages 0-18 to be 76 doses of 18 different vaccines.
The number of doses could reach as high as 80, depending on the vaccine formulation being used and other factors.
By comparison, the CDC in 1983 recommended 11 doses of 7 vaccines by age 16, including the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), DTP (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis), and polio vaccines.

New immunizations on the childhood schedule include:
- RSV: Nirsevimab (RSV-mAb, brand name Beyfortus) the monoclonal antibody treatment for children 0 through 8 months (if the mother did not receive the RSVpreF vaccine during pregnancy — see more information in the pregnancy section below), and certain high-risk children through 19 months. Additional guidance was added for locations with RSV seasonality that differs from that of the continental U.S.
- Pneumococcal: a 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV20), targeting 20 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, in four doses: at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12-15 months. PCV20 replaces PCV13, the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
- COVID-19:
- For the Moderna mRNA shots:
- For children 6 months-4 years old: Those who have not been previously vaccinated are recommended to receive two doses of the “updated” 2023-24 Moderna vaccine. Those who have received one dose of any Moderna vaccine (including the updated version) or two doses of the older version are recommended to receive one dose of the updated vaccine.
- For children 5 years and older: Those who have received zero, one or two doses of the older vaccine are recommended to get one dose of the updated Moderna vaccine for their age group. If they have been previously vaccinated with at least one dose of the updated vaccine, no further shots are recommended.
- Note the timing for additional doses noted in the guidance.
- Note the different recommendations on Table 2A for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.
- For the Pfizer/BioNTech shots:
- For children 6 months-4 years old: Those who have not been vaccinated are recommended to take the three-shot series of the updated Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Those who have received one dose of any version (old or new) of the vaccine are recommended to get two more shots to complete the series. Those who have received two doses of any version (old or new) are recommended to receive one more shot to complete the series. Those who have received three or more shots of the older vaccine are recommended to get one shot of the new version. For those who have received three or more shots, including at least one dose of the new formulation, no further shots are recommended.
- For children 5 years and older: For those who are unvaccinated or have received any number of doses of the older Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, they are recommended to get a single shot of the updated vaccine for their age group. For those who have previously received any number of doses including at least one of the new formulations, no further shots are required.
- Note the timing for additional doses noted in the guidance.
- Note the different recommendations on Table 2B for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.
- For the Moderna mRNA shots:
- Mpox (formerly monkeypox): Adults 18 and older who are at risk of mpox (gay, bisexual, transgender and nonbinary people with certain risk or exposure profiles) are recommended to receive the Jynneos vaccine. According to that guidance, the mpox vaccine appearing under the age-18 column on the childhood vaccine schedule is not expected to be administered to most children. Note that mpox clinical trials are currently underway for 12- to 17-year-olds.
Other changes to the childhood schedule include:
- DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis for 0-6 year-olds): The note on this vaccine was revised to clarify primary and booster doses.
- Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis for 7-year-olds and older): The note was revised to clarify that the dose recommended for 11- to 12-year-olds is the adolescent booster dose.
- HPV (human papillomavirus): The routine vaccination section includes clarification about doses not recommended for those who have already completed the HPV series.
- Influenza: updated with recommended formulations for the 2023-24 flu season. Special notes about those with egg allergies have been removed; any person with a history of egg allergy can be vaccinated with these vaccines, according to the guidance.
- MMR: The note was updated to specify use for routine, catch-up and “special situation” vaccinations.
- MenB (meningococcal): Information about the newly licensed meningococcal A, B, C, W, Y vaccine has been added. A “shared clinical decision-making” document for individuals ages 16-23 was added.
- Pneumococcal: Sections have been updated for routine, catch-up and “special situation” vaccinations, with new recommendations for the use of the 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV15) and PPSV23, in addition to the information about PCV20 noted above.
- Poliovirus: New information has been added about catch-up vaccinations and increased risk exposure for 18-year-olds.
The CDC removed several vaccines from the schedule “because they no longer are distributed or recommended for use in the U.S.” These include bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the diphtheria and tetanus toxoid vaccine (DT) and Menactra, a meningococcal vaccine.
The CDC published revised “vaccine catch-up guidance” for children who have fallen behind the recommended schedule. This includes guidance for the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines (with guidance for different products), vaccines containing diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (with specific guidance for formulations for different age groups) and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).
Additional catch-up guidance can be found in Table 2 of the childhood schedule.
The higher number of doses cited by attorney Aaron Siri in his tweet may have included the assumption that there would be yearly or biannual COVID-19 boosters, which the CDC schedule does not (yet) call for.
If annual boosters are added in the future, this could push the total number of doses through age 18 close to 100, if boosters begin at age 2.
‘Pregnant people’ vaccine schedule
The vaccine list for pregnant women includes four different shots: pertussis (whooping cough), flu (if pregnant during flu season), COVID-19 and RSV, with the latter administered between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Abrysvo’s inclusion on the childhood schedule is for pregnant adolescents only.
One dose of Pfizer’s bivalent RSVpreF vaccine Abrysvo is recommended for “pregnant people” to prevent RSV from later developing in their babies, despite concerns about premature births that stopped the development of a similar vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
There are currently no ACIP recommendations for RSV vaccinations in subsequent pregnancies.
The CDC recommends only one COVID-19 booster (2023-24 formulation) during pregnancy if the individual was previously vaccinated with the two-shot series pre-conception.
Adult (19 years and above) vaccine schedule
Adult recommendations include a minimum of 80 total doses of the following vaccines from ages 19-79, not including COVID-19 shots:
- HepB (hepatitis B): Two, three or four doses, depending on vaccine or condition.
- Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap or Td): One shot every 10 years.
- Varicella (chicken pox): Two doses.
- Influenza: 61 annual vaccines.
New vaccines include:
- RSV: Either of two different vaccines for adults over 60 — GSK’s Arexvy or Pfizer’s Abryvso. Although the notes for this vaccine indicate it’s primarily for “those considered to be at increased risk for severe RSV disease” — which includes many chronic diseases such as COPD, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, etc. — the CDC guidance includes recommendations for those who are frail, of advanced age or who reside in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities. Currently, a single dose is expected to provide prevention for two seasons. Concerning subsequent RSV doses, the CDC stated, “Additional surveillance and evaluation activities are planned to assess how long the vaccines protect against RSV and whether additional doses will be needed.”
- COVID-19: Those previously unvaccinated are recommended to receive the updated 2023-24 formulations (of the mRNA vaccines, one- or two-dose series, depending on brand). Those previously vaccinated with one or more doses of any COVID-19 vaccine are recommended to take one dose of any updated (2023-24 formula) COVID-19 vaccine administered at least eight weeks after the most recent COVID-19 vaccine dose. Note the guidance for persons who are moderately or severely immunocompromised, as well as precautions and contraindications.
Other vaccines adults might receive, depending on medical conditions, exposure and risk factors, include zoster recombinant (RZV) (shingles), MMR, HPV, pneumococcal (PCV15, PCV20, PPSV23), hepatitis A, meningococcal A, C, W, Y, meningococcal B, Haemophilus influenzae type b and mpox.
The CDC lists under “shared clinical decision-making” recommendations for:
- The HPV vaccine for adults ages 27-45 years old.
- The MenB vaccine for individuals 16-23 years old.
The CDC updated its guidance around egg-based allergies and influenza vaccines, now saying that any person with a history of egg allergy can be vaccinated with any influenza vaccine (corresponding to age and health status) “with no additional safety considerations.”
All vaccine schedule changes can be found here.
One X user speculated about the role of immunizations and U.N. Agenda 2030, sharing a page from a World Health Organization (WHO) document titled “Immunization Agenda 2030”:
Nirsevimab not technically a vaccine
The National Vaccine Information Center wrote that nirsevimab (for children 0 through 19 months) is not technically a vaccine, but was added to the childhood schedule to give Sanofi and Astra Zeneca a liability shield and to get the monoclonal antibody treatment added to state mandates and vaccine registries.
Accordingly, the revised CDC schedule now states it is for “vaccines and other immunizing agents.”

Regarding liability, the CDC schedule states:
“The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims. All vaccines included in the child and adolescent vaccine schedule are covered by VICP except dengue, PPSV23, RSV, Mpox and COVID-19 vaccines. Mpox and COVID-19 vaccines are covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).”
To date, the CICP has compensated just 11 claims out of nearly 13,000 filed for COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
(In December, the Informed Consent Action Network, or ICAN, announced its support for a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to strike down the immunity protections and CICP provisions of the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act, stating, “They violate the constitutional rights of those injured or killed by a COVID-19 vaccine.”)
Do vaccine combinations cause more harm?
Dr. Paul Thomas, author of “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years,” commented on the lack of safety data on childhood vaccines, especially when combining vaccines.
“There is no study of the effects of the entire schedule,” he said. “As we have added more and more vaccines, we have ever-increasing chronic disease, neurodevelopmental issues, autoimmune disease and allergies.”
In this video, Thomas and James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., discuss their study of health outcomes in vaccinated versus unvaccinated children:
In their book, “Vax-Unvax,” Hooker and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD’s chairman on leave, discussed studies indicating the potential harms of combining vaccines.
In one such study from 2012, comparing pregnant women receiving the flu shot, those receiving the shot in combination with the H1N1 vaccine were found to be 11 times more likely to have a miscarriage than those receiving the flu shot by itself.
The study’s author, Gary S. Goldman, an independent computer scientist, suggested that the increase in fetal loss may have been due to the additional dose of thimerosal in the H1N1 shot, exposing the fetus to mercury.
Goldman is also the co-author of a 2011 paper showing that developed countries requiring the most vaccine doses for infants had the least favorable infant mortality rates.
Goldman and co-author Neil Z. Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in a paper published in February 2023 replicated those findings and responded to critics.
In July 2023, they published a new study specifically examining the effects of two vaccines typically given to infants soon after birth — hepatitis B (HepB) and tuberculosis — from global data in 2019 and 2021. They found a strong link between vaccinations and rates of neonatal, infant and under-5 mortality for both years studied.
Another study included in “Vax-Unvax” reviewed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from 2005-2015 and found over 10,000 adverse events reports for infants receiving the HepB vaccine alone or with a multivalent vaccine, with 197 reports of sudden death syndrome (SIDS).
The chart below from “Vax-Unvax” shows the authors’ analysis of SIDS cases reported to VAERS after the hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae B, diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis, and pneumonia vaccines.

ICAN last year raised concerns about combining the mpox, flu and COVID vaccines.
In March 2023 ICAN submitted a FOIA request to the CDC for evidence supporting claims made in its January 2023 tweet of a video from the White House MPox response Team stating, “You can get the #mpox vaccine at the same time as your #flu and #COVID vaccines.”
Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, then-acting director (now director) of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, after stating in the video that the vaccines could be taken together, only offered that a person “may” consider delaying their COVID-19 shot for four weeks after getting the mpox vaccine due to a “possible risk” of heart inflammation.
ICAN stated the CDC video neglected to mention the connection between the COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis and other heart injuries, which are also associated with the flu shot and mpox vaccine.
In its response to ICAN, the CDC failed to produce any documents supporting the safe co-administration of the three vaccines.
On Dec. 18, 2023, ICAN issued a statement titled, “CDC has no data to support its tweet telling America that it is safe to give the monkeypox, flu, and COVID shots together.”
The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy, who is on leave from CHD and is running as an independent for president of the U.S.
This article was updated to correct and add further details to the COVID-19 and 60-and-older RSV vaccine recommendations.
Calling the Shots:
Immunization Finance Policies and Practices
Institute of Medicine
Public Meeting
June 16, 2000
Talking Points
Bernard Guyer
Professor and Chair, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health
Chair, Committee on Immunization Finance Policies and Practices
Good morning. David Smith, the committee vice chair, and I are here today to present the findings and recommendations of a new report from the Institute of Medicine. It raises a public health warning that is too risky to ignore. The nation's immunization system is weakening, showing signs of strain, and history has shown that the price of falling vaccination rates too often is an outbreak of disease.
This report, Calling the Shots: Immunization Finance Policies and Practices, was requested by the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations and was sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study represents a comprehensive examination of the ways in which federal and state governments finance their public health efforts in the area of immunization. Our committee met five times within an 18-month period, prepared eight case studies, commissioned a 50-state survey, organized a one-day workshop, and conducted four site visits in the course of our fact-finding and deliberations.
As a result of this effort, our committee concluded that vaccines are a powerful technology to prevent disease, but that the nation's health care system is not fully realizing their potential. There have been cycles of interest in immunization in this country, and the committee is concerned that currently interest is flagging. Our immunization system is a national treasure that we cannot take for granted. It was neglect of this issue that led to the measles outbreaks in 1989-90. Constant vigilance is required to protect populations against vaccine-preventable diseases, and the country must do better. The 11,000 infants that are born every day must be routinely vaccinated, and the needs of special at-risk populations must be addressed.
The immunization system is again showing signs of strain and instability. We still have not achieved the national objective of fully immunizing 90 percent of 2-year-olds. There are disparities in coverage between rich and poor, and the result of these disparities shows up in the large pockets of unvaccinated children in large cities. Immunization coverage is even lower among adults and the elderly. Yet, science continues to create new vaccines, and the vaccination schedule is becoming increasingly complex. Further, the health care system is changing dramatically and now depends more heavily on the private sector to administer publicly purchased vaccines for disadvantaged groups. Meanwhile, federal resources for immunizations have decreased over the last five years.
This report was requested because of the Senate Appropriations Committee's concern about the financing of immunization programs through the 1990s. Federal budgets for these programs experienced dramatic shifts during this period, rising very quickly in the early 1990s and then falling equally as fast over the last five years. These budgets provide funds that support immunization programs in each state. Our committee soon realized that although the United States had achieved record highs in rates of immunization coverage, these shifts in funding had eroded the national immunization system and could not continue without causing serious damage to it.
The committee's overall findings and recommendations present a long-term, strategic approach quite different from the current and uncertain annual budget battles. We concluded that unpredictable funding has created instability and uncertainty in state and local planning efforts. Also, because disease does not recognize geographic boundaries, our report underscores the need for an immunization policy that is national in scope, yet flexible enough to adapt to state and local needs and resources. Implementing this policy, however, takes much more than vaccines, needles, and medical staff. Federal and state governments need to do much more to strengthen the ability of public health officials to monitor the system and shift resources to areas of need. Still, the reality is that vaccinations primarily take place in private settings -- in a doctor's office or a private clinic. Therefore, private health plans can and should do more to implement immunization surveillance and prevention programs, but require assistance, oversight, and incentives from the states to perform this role.
Our committee has recommended a plan including the following strategic elements:
> A long-term finance plan that can provide about $1.5 billion over a five-year period as a stable investment in the immunization infrastructure, totaling $300 million annually from state and federal governments. About $875 million of this total represents new funding.
> A better basis for the federal-state partnership that supports immunization efforts, including a shift to system for allocating federal grants based on a formula that will distribute the money more effectively, as well as a required state contribution to strengthen local involvement.
> Clarification of the system's function as a platform for specific programs.
> A greater public health role for the private sector.
> New measurement tools that improve the surveillance of immunization rates in selected communities, and add a population focus to performance assessment tools.
> A broadened perspective on immunization that would include adults, adolescents, elderly, as well as infants.
To implement these elements of our strategic plan, the committee recommends that federal and state governments and other players in the immunization system undertake a number of steps, including:
1. Congress and state legislatures should sustain current budgets for purchasing children's vaccines, but develop a mechanism that can provide funding for new vaccines, such as the new pneumococcal conjugate for infants.
2. Congress and state legislatures should provide an additional $50 million in federal funds and an additional $11 million in state funds to purchase vaccines for uninsured adults, especially adults who are under age 65 and have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung disease, or HIV infections, and who are especially vulnerable to infectious disease.
3. Congress and state legislatures should increase funding for state immunization infrastructure support to $300 million each year. This figure includes an increase of $75 million over current federal awards (for a total of $200 million each year for infrastructure support) and an annual increase of $100 million over current state spending efforts.
4. The federal government should replace discretionary grants with formula-grant legislation that reflects states' need, capacity and performance; introduces a state matching requirement; and provides a small amount of funding for CDC to set aside for outbreaks.
5. Federal agencies, states, and Congress should initiate a dialogue to develop consensus around new legislation that could be introduced during the reauthorization process that begins next year.
6. The immunization system should develop a set of consistent and comparable immunization measures that can monitor immunization status of children and adults in private and public plans; harmonize national immunization survey methods with those used by many managed care plans; achieve fairness in public and private health plan coverage of vaccine services, and clarify the public health role of the private health care delivery systems.
Dr. Smith and I would now be glad to take your questions. We're recording this meeting, so please step to the microphone in the aisle and identify yourself and your organization when you speak.
Web results
He had a severe reaction to Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. He's ...
This movie is "that movie" that everyone keeps shooting down.
- only about 40–60% of flu shots are effective in preventing the flu each year.
- they can take up to 2 weeks to start working.
- sometimes, they cause mild side effects, such as pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site.
- Soreness, redness, and/or swelling from the shot.
- Headache.
- Fever.
- Nausea.
- Muscle aches.
Thankfully, symptoms don't last long. "Usually these don’t last for more than a day or two,” Pekosz said.
In rare cases, some may experience an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Symptoms include trouble breathing, hives, swelling around the eye or mouth area, weakness or dizziness. Typically, these symptoms occur within a few minutes to hours after the vaccine was given.
If you’re really feeling sick for a sustained amount of time afterwards, well, you probably just caught another virus that the flu vaccine doesn’t protect you against.
"The flu vaccine protects against influenza virus, but there are a number of other viruses that can cause a flu-like disease,” Pekosz said. "Viruses like human parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and coronaviruses all circulate in fall and early winter, the time that flu vaccination programs are in full-swing." These viruses and their symptoms usually last two to eight days.
Dr Carrie Madej, DO is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001.
From this page: https://www.soundchoice.org/about-us/
Dr. Deisher’s career has focused on discovering and developing new therapies for grievous human illness. Dr. Deisher obtained her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University and has spent over 30 years in commercial biotechnology. Prior to founding AVM Biotechnology and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), she worked with leading biotechnology companies, including Genentech, Repligen, ZymoGenetics, Immunex, and Amgen. AVM Biotechnology does not use morally illicit material in any process and develops products that improve outcomes without additional suffering, because side effects from treatments of cancers or infections should never be worse than the diseases themselves. SCPI’s mission is to end human trafficking in biomedical research.
Dr. Deisher is an inventor on 47 issued US/EU/Japan patents and 4 discoveries in clinical trials. She was the first to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells and has been a champion of adult stem cell research. Dr. Deisher was a plaintiff in the US federal lawsuit to prohibit the use of federal tax-payer dollars for embryo-destructive research, which was instrumental in steering science towards adult stem cell research.
She is a frequent lecturer on stem cell issues and the medical and ethical concerns with the use of aborted human fetal DNA in vaccine production. She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows.
Vaccines that use human fetal cells draw fire
SCIENCE12 JUN 2020 : 1170-1171
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