Why It was a COLOSSAL WASTE OF MONEY for the Biden and Trump Administrations to spend TRILLIONS of dollars on Covid
Not only did all that money spent on Covid NOT help the pandemic, but it put our country into so much more debt, we didn't have enough resources to fix serious environmental crises like Lahaina and East Palestine!
The Covid vaccines made many peoples' health even worse. People who got the vaccines got further into "health debt" because their immune systems took a hit. Although a vaccine may boost a person's immunity in the SHORT term, they WEAKEN a person's immune system in the long term. It's like going into credit card debt. What seems too good to be true, usually turns out to be something you're going to have to pay a hefty price for, later.
So... if the Covid vaccines and other treatments like Remdesivir didn't work (and made things worse)... just think of how much money we could have saved (and put to better use) if we'd use other options that were shown to be even better? Sadly, it seems that the last 2 president's leanings towards Crony Capitalism put Pandemic Profits before Public Safety.
How can we stand aside and let government officials continue to waste taxpayer dollars like crazy, when THIS is what is happening in our environment?????
The picture below shows the fires that were happening SIMULTANEOUSLY in California, in September of 2020.
Yes, SARS-2 is a virus that has the potential to kill people... if you let it keep spreading out of control, and don't use a measure that annihilates it quickly (see this page, for treatment options that have been proven to do that).
But I wrote this post to make the point that, if we already had safe and effective treatments for Covid (and there is tons of evidence that we do), then we have no business spending trillions of dollars on finding a new solution. What a WASTE OF MONEY!!!
This video shows the changes in the Earth's temperatures that have taken place since the 1800s. You'll see for yourself, Climate Change is a serious threat. We are in an all-hands-on-deck situation, and if we don't all start to work together to turn things around, future generations will be in jeopardy. Just look at how much the Earth has warmed up in the last century! It is truly frightening to think of where we could be, 20 years from now, if we don't make some big changes for the better, NOW!!!
In September of 2020, there were over A MILLION acres burning in California. If we already have safe and effective ways to keep from dying from COVID-19, then it is a shameless waste of time, money, energy and resources to spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on a brand new cure.... when our environment is literally BURNING UP. There were hundreds of fires raging out of control all over the state, with very little containment, and it was the fourth year in a row, that these kinds of deadly fires have occured, and it's only going to get worse if we don't make more of an effort to DO something about it!
Please have a look at some of these treatments that have been proven to work for Covid, with little to no side effects. If you click on these links you will see TONS OF EVIDENCE that they work, but the CDC and Tony Fauci refuse to acknowledge them.
Hydroxychloroquine (Google removed the original blog post so you have to go to the Wayback Machine to find it now)
Ivermectin (as with Hydroxychloroquine, Google removed this post, so this link is for the copy archived on the Wayback Machine)
You can see ever more treatment options that have been proven to be effective, on THIS PAGE.
You can also look at some of the countries that effectively beat Covid, without spending tons of money) We are in the middle of an ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS, people. Mother nature is sending big, loud warning signs that we need to get it together, RIGHT NOW. This is not a drill. We are starting to see drastic changes in our environment that we've never seen before. When you see the Amazon developing fires that are burning out of control... this is a problem for the world. The Amazon rainforest provides about 20% of our oxygen. Yes, some of these fires are man-made, but once they start, they are much harder to put out now, than they have been in the past, because everything is so hot and dry.
Putting our energy where it NEEDS TO GO
If there really are effective, pre-existing solutions for Covid, Mother nature must be shaking her head, and looking at us humans like, man, y'all need to get your priorities straight. Did humans really turn out to be so greedy that they would actually try to cover up effective, existing treatments, in an effort to make 3 trillion dollars in profit from this coronavirus?? That money could go a LONG WAY towards protecting the environment, and all the other creatures that live in it!
How SENSELESS would it be for us to spend billions of dollars on manufacturing new treatments, when we NEED that money to make sure future generations have enough OXYGEN to breathe?
Here's a photo of the lightning that was striking the foothills in Livermore, CA. If that's not a warning sign from Mother Nature that we need to get it together, I don't know what is. On August 16th, Silicon valley had massive amounts of THUNDER and LIGHTNING after one of the hottest days of the year, 103 degrees. What is going on??? Just look at this picture of lightning that was taken in Livermore, by one of the firefighters. If this doesn't make it obvious that Mother nature is trying to tell us to wake the hell up, and we need to get it together FAST.... I don't know what will.
And for anyone who doesn't think this photo could be real... I checked. It does seem to be legitimate, which is pretty frightening. It was posted by the Livermore Fire Department. This was NOTPhotoshopped!
You know how, when there was that tsunami in Thailand, and there were all these tourists on the beach, just standing on the beach, looking at the waves, just before that wave WIPED THEM OUT? Well, that's kind of what a lot of us are doing right now. It's like, ooh, look at the lightning in the sky, in the middle of summer after the hottest day of the year. That's really neat, what is that?
Um, hello, that's like, just one of MANY warnings that mother nature has been TRYING to give us, for decades, that we need to stop polluting the earth, and she's about to give us a big smackdown!
One of the biggest reasons the Covid virus is dangerous, is because it behaves like fire. Fire is something that can spread extremely rapidly, but only when it is in the right conditions. We all know that if the conditions aren't right to sustain a fire, it will go out. If you don't have enough kindling, it will go out. If your logs are too wet, your fire can't burn. It's just science.
The same science applies to the coronavirus. If the conditions aren't right for the virus to spread, it can't multiply. You can read more about how the virus needs a slightly acidic environment to replicate, by clicking HERE and HERE. The reason Hydroxychloroquine works so well, is because it prevents the endosomal acidification that is necessary for viral replication.
If the virus cannot multiply, it will eventually die out.
Yes, fire is dangerous, but we don't usually have to be afraid of it, because we know how to put it out, easily and quickly, when it's small. It's only when it gets big and out of control, and you missed your chance to put it out quick, that you have a big problem on your hands.
I'm posting videos of just SOME of the fires we've seen in the last few years. They weren't all caused by lightning, but no matter how they are started, fires are much harder to control now, because our environment is so much drier and hotter.
Fires in Australia
A video showing the fires in the Amazon...
It's not hard to make a difference!
For anyone who doesn't know what you can do, I want to tell you there are ways we can make a big impact. I read that it's estimated that we can offset our carbon emissions by planting 6 trees per month. I realize it's not practical for everyone to do this, but since there are many organizations that will plant trees for $1 each, that means that, for less than $100, every person in the U.S. could have enough trees planted, to offset their own carbon emissions.
I realize that's not the only step we need to take, but if every person did that, it could go a LONG way in keeping global temperatures from spinning out of control. China has been having success with tree-planting programs, and while it may not be a perfect solution, it definitely seems to be better than doing nothing.
The amount of plastic trash that's in the ocean is causing ocean temperatures to rise, which is not only diminishing our oxygen, but it's also causing these crazy weather changes. So the more we can cut down our use of plastics - especially disposable plastics - the better.
Once again... if there IS something SAFE, EASY, AND INEXPENSIVE, that could actually make this coronavirus not a problem... then in my opinion, that 3 trillion dollars that's currently being directed at finding a cure, would be WAY better spent, going towards fixing our environment so that our kids have some OXYGEN left to breathe.
Hundreds of wildfires burn in California, many caused by lightning
How an Oregon Wildfire Became One of the Most Destructive | Visual Investigations
Russia's Fires Are So Out of Control They're Melting Polar Ice Caps
Fire in Paradise (full film) | FRONTLINE
Why This Year's Locust Invasion Is Setting Off Global Panic
Swarm Of Locusts Threaten Livelihood Of Millions In African, Asian And Middle Eastern Countries
Arctic's Epic Mosquito Swarms May Get Worse with Climate Change
Terrifying proof of global warming | 60 Minutes Australia
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