I used haaaaate cilantro, and couldn't understand, for the life of me, why anyone would ever want to put it in their FOOD. To me, it smelled like the stink bugs I'd find in the yard as a kid. "Whyyyy would anyone actually want to eat that stuff?" I thought.
I cracked up when saw there was a website called IHateCilantro.com. It's fun to be in the company of all these other people who can rejoice together, in hating the same thing as you do. It's fun to find others who can unite in your shared belief that those people who love the thing you hate, are somehow insane.
But then I heard that cilantro is really, really, really good for you. You can see some of the amazing health benefits, here:
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) has many potential health benefits, including:
- Cilantro contains dodecenal, an antimicrobial compound that may help protect against infections and illnesses caused by contaminated food. It may also help eliminate certain bacteria that cause infections.
- Cilantro may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, balance blood sugar levels, and protect against cardiac impairment. It may also stimulate the immune system response.
- Cilantro contains many antioxidants, including polyphenols, which may reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage that could contribute to premature aging and chronic diseases.
- Cilantro may help remove metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body, which may help some antibiotics and antiviral medicines work better.
- Cilantro may also help with digestive health, restful sleep, fluid balance, urine flow, anemia, bone, skin, and eye health, and menstrual health.
So I no longer bash it. Although I still am not a fan of Cilantro, I no longer hate it. I've become neutral, realizing this poor herb didn't deserve all the bashing I gave it. And if I find it in my burrito, after I ask the lady behind the taqueria counter to leave it out, I won't throw a hissy fit. I won't even pick it out. I've just learned to get used to it. I guess you could say I've built up a tolerance.
I've never tried Durian fruit because I've heard the smell is just god-awful, and hard to tolerate. But I also know some people out there just love it and can't get enough of it. Kinda like Trump supporters.
I googled the health benefits of Durian, and it looks like, while Cilantro is COMPLETELY LOADED with nutritional benefits, Durian has more bulk than benefits. Another thing that's like Trump! If it were a stinky fruit that had aaammmaaaazing health benefits, I'd be inclined to try it. But if a fruit can be THAT offensive, it better have a hell of a lot of health benefits in order for me to even go near it.
That's how I feel about a presidential candidate. Yeah, Kennedy has a scratchy voice, that isn't soothing to the senses. But because he has such a LOOOOOOOOOONG list of positive traits, I'm willing to just deal with it, and at this point, like Cilantro, I've just gotten used to it. I'm still not PROMOTING cilantro, but I'll promote Kennedy any day of the week.
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