Monday, August 26, 2024

For the people who think Covid Can't be Beat without a Vaccine.... WANNA BET?

If I had the money, I'd bet a MILLION DOLLARS that Covid can be beat QUICKLY, SAFELY, AND EASILY with natural methods. The people on this page are the ones in particular that I'd like to make the bet with! What makes me think this can be done? Because I've done it over and over again. 

During the pandemic, there were nine occasions in a row, where I came down with symptoms of Covid (which prompted me to catch it a 10th time on purpose and film it, to show it can be done). I'm not encouraging anyone to just go ahead and catch Covid because I do believe it CAN be deadly if you don't use the right treatments. But what people don't realize is, there are some REALLY powerful natural antivirals that our ancestors have been using for thousands of years. We are descendants of those people whom these natural cures actually worked for! 

I used these natural antivirals within an hour of getting the first symptoms, and what do you know, all viral symptoms completely vanished. Was this just a coincidence? NOPE. It was SCIENCE. There's tons of science that shows natural antivirals REALLY CAN kill coronaviruses. But the thing that IS hard to kill, is our modern belief system that these things our ancestors used, can actually work. 

People found it VERY hard to believe I really was able to beat Covid symptoms with natural methods. They wanted to know if I really did have Covid. They'd ask, "Did you take a Covid test?" To which I had to explain, "No, because if you wipe it out FAST enough, you will NEVER know if you had Covid or not, because your viral load never got high enough to be ABLE TO test positive.. and that's WHAT YOU WANT!"  It's just too bad that more people don't understand this.  

You have to ACT QUICKLY to get rid of Covid, or it will spread. It's insane that the CDC gave us NO early treatment options to beat Covid (beside the you-know-whats). Way too many people died, when they could have been saved with EARLY TREATMENT. There are LOTS of medical treatments that can be used against Covid, that work REALLY WELL if you use them in the EARLY stages.  And there are NATURAL methods that are powerful as well!  Sadly, many of these methods get deleted from Google. The media censorship is just out of control

I would seriously like to make a bet with some of the people on this page, that Covid can, indeed, be beat with natural methods. If any of these people ever happens to see this post, please feel free to get in touch with me via the contact page on the right, and we'll set it up. Just find someone who can test positive for Covid and I'll go sit in a car with them for 20 minutes, with NO masks on. They can even feel free to cough in my direction. With that kind of exposure, there is no way I would NOT breathe in enough Covid to get infected. 

Once I started getting Covid symptoms (likely a sore or scratchy throat), I'd take the natural antivirals I used to beat Covid on 10 occasions during the pandemic, with a 100 percent success rate.  Please, somebody take me up on this! Just contact me through the form on the right side of this page. 

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