I was shocked to hear Elon Musk has officially endorsed Trump. I thought for sure that he would be on Kennedy's side.
But as I did a little research, I could see how Musk probably had a lot of understandable reasons for wanting to back Trump - a man who was getting bullied about as bad as Musk did in his grade school years.
Since Elon Musk has taken over Twitter (now X), I imagine he must be thoroughly disgusted at the declining sight of San Francisco's Market Street / Civic Center area, where X is headquartered. As someone who used to work just a few blocks away, it's truly hard to believe what the area looks like now. The downtown area has been looking like a scene from the movie I Am Legend. Just CLICK HERE to see how bad San Francisco (and many other areas in California) have become, under Gavin Newsom's "leadership."
Trump would undoubtedly bring order back to California... though it would cost a fortune to do so. Business owners would surely appreciate it, and so would I. But I still wish Kennedy could be the guy in charge of restoring order to the state, and I believe he can, if he can find the right people to work with. This is one of those matters where you can't be soft. Whoever is in charge is going to have to be TOUGH on crime, and a lot of people see Trump as that guy who would undoubtedly fit that bill.
Elon Musk has said that Trump has called him several times. Trump made sure to butter him up by telling him how much he likes his Cyber Truck, and how he has many friends who drive Teslas. Trump understands that in business, you have to make friends with people, and get them on your side. Elon Musk said Trump said he's a fan of the Cyber Truck. Hm. I wonder if he's actually driven one, or just likes the way it looks?
Not knowing anything about Cyber Trucks, I went to Youtube. These are the first few videos that popped up. Please note, I definitely don't think that the controversies over Tesla's Cyber Truck issues are at the core of Musk's decision to support Trump. I'm just mentioning it here because it definitely didn't hurt that Trump told Musk he's a fan of the Cyber Truck.
2024 Tesla Cybertruck Review - Is It Really THAT Bad??
I'm selling my stupid Tesla Cybertruck as prices are crashing, but Carmax refused to make an offer?
I Sold My $100,000 Cybertruck After 50 Days
I Finally Got a Tesla Cybertruck and It Scares the Crap Out of Me
Kennedy could have done the same thing - calling up Elon and talking about how great his cars are. But Kennedy just doesn't have it in him to kiss peoples' asses!
Think about the things Trump could have said, to court Elon over the phone. If Trump won the presidency, think about all the ways he could help Tesla and Space-X. True, we'll probably never know what was said, but you really do have to wonder. Trump is known for making deals with people. He did, after all, write a book called The Art of The Deal. But when you make deals with people, they inevitably expect something in return.
Here are some screenshots from an episode of The Highwire that showed the surprising dangers of Electric vehicles.
“Does Mossad Have Something on Elon” - Rumors EXPLODE After Musk Denies $45M Trump Donations
Elon Musk goes off about how people should be commuting to work. Could this have something to do with the fact that he runs a CAR COMPANY, and if everyone was able to work from home, it would drastically affect his sales?
It sounds like he's so sick of the Biden administration, he'd rather cast his vote in the polar opposite direction!
If you want to see proof that Google is censoring websites like the Highwire, try doing a search for the headline, below. Just copy and paste the headline, below, into google, and you will NOT see it come up. At least not on the first page (though you will see lots of other headlines appear, that aren't an exact match). Just CLICK HERE to see what I mean. Yes, you'll find it if you use quotation marks, but shouldn't this be the first thing that comes up when you type this in, exactly as it's written? (At least, it seems that way to me.... maybe there's something I don't understand about Google's algorithm).
Biden Faces Massive Opposition to Electric Vehicle Mandate
The Biden administration’s push for an electric vehicle (EV) mandate has received massive opposition from a wide range of stakeholders, including 26 states and the energy, agriculture, and automotive industries. Critics say that the new fuel standards would increase consumer costs and put an unfair burden on U.S. businesses.
On November 24, the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, which mandate automakers to more than double fuel efficiency in less than a decade or face substantial penalties. In other words, they could only sell EVs.
The NHTSA announced the CAFE standards three months after the Environmental Protection Agency proposed the most draconian aggressive tailpipe emissions to date, which would result in 67% of new sedan, crossover, SUV, and light-truck purchases being electric by 2032.
“NHTSA’s proposal is yet another attempt by the Biden administration to restrict Americans’ freedom to decide what vehicle fits their needs and budget,” said Will Hupman, vice president of downstream policy for the American Petroleum Institute. “Combined with EPA’s proposed tailpipe emissions standards, these rules amount to a de facto ban on cars and trucks using liquid fuels, which can and should be a part of the solution to reduce carbon emissions.”
The American Petroleum Institute (API)’s letter to NHTSA says that, while supporting policies to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector, the proposed CAFE standards would harm consumer choice, raise costs, and create a “vulnerable” transportation sector, due to its dependence on EVs.
The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers wrote in a letter that it believes that the NHTSA has exceeded its legal authority by setting fuel economy standards “at a level that is not feasibly achievable by internal combustion engine vehicles, effectively establishing a de facto electric vehicle mandate.”
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey agrees. He led a coalition of 26 states in writing a letter of opposition to the proposed new rules, arguing that not only did the NHTSA overstep its legal authority but also that these regulations would threaten national security and put an overwhelming amount of stress on the power grid. “At a minimum,” the letter says, “U.S. manufacturers will have no option but to become embroiled with geopolitically troubling suppliers.”
A coalition of over 3,000 auto dealers in all 50 states composed an open letter to President Biden, asking him to “tap the breaks” on his EV push. “These [electric] vehicles are ideal for many people,” they wrote, “and we believe their appeal will grow over time.” The letter went on to say that, although “there was a lot of hope and hype about EVs” last year, now the BEVs are “stacking up on our lots” due to lessened enthusiasm by the consumer. Even with price cuts and incentives from both the car manufacturers and the government, the EVS “are not selling nearly as fast as they are arriving at our dealerships.”
The letter also noted that the EV industry faces issues such as insufficient charging infrastructure, energy grid instability, and a lack of a reliable mineral supply for EV batteries, which puts people off buying these vehicles. The unreliability of the U.S.’s mineral supply could also increase the country’s reliance on China, which currently dominates this market.
The Biden administration argues that the boost in fuel efficiency, prompted by these new fuel standards, would help combat climate change and save Americans money. The CAFE standards would require that passenger cars improve fuel efficiency by 2% and light trucks by 4%, beginning in 2027. Pick-up trucks and work vans would have to boost fuel efficiency by 10% each year, starting in 2030.
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